Welcome to the Libertarian Party of North Carolina

Posted: August 10, 2016 at 9:22 pm

However you arrived at this page, we welcome you. The Libertarian Party of North Carolina seeks to return the focus of those we elect to the people who elected them. We believe the only way we can achieve this is to recruit, support and elect libertarian candidates.

We cannot do this without the support of what we call the voiceless voters. Those voiceless voters -- Libertarian and unaffiliated -- make up nearly one-third of registered voters in our great state. So you'd think bringing about change to our broken political system should be relatively easy. The truth is the deck is severely stacked against those seeking to put people, not politics first.

Please spend some time looking through our site. A great place to start is on our news page. It is chock full of relevant and recent content, all just a click away.

Most importantly we want you to connect with us. Throughout the site there are places for you to reach out and get involved to whatever extent you desire and to whatever extent you are comfortable with. Just get involved.

Together we will be voiceless no more.

See the original post:

Welcome to the Libertarian Party of North Carolina

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