Schmidt: The Mises Caucus is heading in the wrong direction – Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

Posted: June 15, 2022 at 6:29 pm

Since the results of the Libertarian National Convention last month, there has been major criticism against the newly-elected executive chairs of the Libertarian Party after what has been called a takeover by one major wing of the party. The other wing, the Mises Caucus, founded and led by Michael Heise, has aimed to bring the party more to the views of Ron Paul and lead it away from the pragmatic views of Gary Johnson. Those who have opposed and criticized the Mises Caucus have pointed out views that were seen as more Alt-Right.

What are my personal opinions about the Mises Caucus? In the past months, this has been a very difficult question to answer, especially since I do have some friends and acquaintances who are part of the Mises Caucus. I do have my agreements and disagreements with them as they do with me. Instead of criticizing the Mises Caucus itself, its the direction the Mises Caucus-led Libertarian National Convention is taking the Libertarian Party into that I will be more critical of.

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Nolan Schmidt is an independent filmmaker, and serves as Vice Chair for the Guadalupe County Libertarian Party.

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Schmidt: The Mises Caucus is heading in the wrong direction - Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

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