Posted: July 8, 2016 at 7:55 am

Donald Trump's fans and foes face off when his travelling circus comes to town.

Taking the naked leap from the margins to the mainstream

Matt Welch

Prescription painkillers are not as deadly or as addictive as commonly claimed.

Jacob Sullum

To make America safer, we need to get military costs under control.

Veronique de Rugy

Too many rules are putting a major drag on economic growth.

Ronald Bailey

Donald Trump's fans and foes face off when his travelling circus comes to town.

Jesse Walker

Libertarian-leaning luminaries weigh in.

Jesse Walker

A little-known rule lets feds steal money from people who haven't been convictedor even accusedof a crime.

Robert Everett Johnson & Nick Sibilla

What Illinois got when law enforcement grabbed $72 million in property using asset forfeiture

C.J. Ciaramella

Planning a recovery is tough in a country where an awful lot of guys with guns aren't ready to admit that socialism has failed again.

Francisco Toro

The sad afterlife of abandoned stadiums.

Jim Pagels

The national security state steps out of bounds.

Brett Max Kaufman

A sweeping history aims to change the way we think about the origins of capitalism.

Jacob Levy

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