Libertarian Party of Texas

Posted: July 18, 2016 at 3:39 pm

The Libertarian Party was created in 1971 by dissatisfied Republicans searching for an alternative to the two-party system. In 1972, Texas became one of the thirteen original founding state parties at the first Libertarian Party convention. Since then, the party has enjoyed rapid growth. In the 2010 election, there were over 150 candidates on the ballot in Texas.

The Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) is the third largest political party in the state of Texas, and the only party that is consistently committed to a platform of peace, prosperity and freedom for all Americans. The Libertarian Party is sometimes described as the party of both fiscal responsibility and social tolerance, the best of both worlds approach to political policy that doesn't accept or require the false choice between liberal and conservative. LPTexas represents liberty, justice, equality, privacy, independence, non-aggression, and the rule of law - the founding principles of our great nation - and is committed to a mission of political action to restore these core principles to our government and chart a future course based on voluntary cooperation, mutual respect, free markets, and the realization of human potential.

The Libertarian Party of Texas (LPTexas) is governed by theState Libertarian Executive Committee (SLEC), which is comprised of two representatives from each state senatorial district and four state officers. At the local level, the state party is divided intocounty affiliates, governed by a County Chair and officers. Each county affiliate is divided further into four districts, with representatives from each. Within these districts are voting precincts, managed by Voting Precinct Chairs. LPTexas is a bottom-up, grassroots organization that highly values the important work done locally to spread the Libertarian message. If youd like to get involved in a leadership role or as a volunteer or donor, pleasecontact us.

LPTexas is an affiliate of theLibertarian National Committee. Our mission is to serve as a watchdog over the state legislature and advocate for passage or defeat of proposed legislation, inform our membership of political issues, maintain the partys ballot access, recruit candidates, encourage strong Libertarian voter turnout and assist county affiliates in increasing party membership.

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Libertarian Party of Texas

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