Libertarian Organization Has 900 College Chapters Nationwide – The Libertarian Republic

Posted: February 22, 2017 at 4:41 am


By: Elias J. Atienza

Young Americans for Liberty, a political organization with roots in the Ron Paul liberty movement, has 900 chapters nationwide established on college campuses.

Appearing on Fox Businesss Varney and Co. YAL president Cliff Maloney Jr. announced that the organizationhad 900 chapters along with updates on YALs nationwide Fight for Free Speech campaign on college campuses.

Maloney Jr. discussed free speech zones and unconstitutional speech codes which he claimed the left is using to shut down libertarian and conservative ideas. For example, several YAL members were arrested for handing out pocket constitutions on a college campus in Michigan.

YAL has its roots in both conservatism and libertarianism, with platform positions like reducing the federal debt, protecting constitutional rights such as the 4th Amendment, and promoting a realistic foreign policy.

Disclaimer: I am a member of Young Americans for Liberty and a leader in my colleges chapter.

4th amendmentCliff Maloney Jr.Fight for Free Speech campaignfree speechliberty movementron paulyoung americans for liberty

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Libertarian Organization Has 900 College Chapters Nationwide - The Libertarian Republic

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