HOME – The Advocates for Self-Government

Posted: July 3, 2016 at 12:26 pm

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"But as the number of police officers increases, the number of low-level offenders behind bars shoots up. According to Brennan Center for Justice, the fact we have more low-level offenders in jail now than before impacts the crime reduction effect."


For the past two decades, crime in the United States has declined considerably. Compared to the crime rate of the early 1990s, US crime rates have fallen about half while violent crime has fallen by 51 percent. Between 1991 and now, property crime has fallen by 43 percent.

"The reality is that kids are going to drink. Denying that and imposing ever more draconian punishments doesnt fix the real problems with alcohol."


Regardless of the financing issues, current drinking-age law is unenforceable and destructive. The reality is that kids are going to drink. Denying that and imposing ever more draconian punishments doesnt fix the real problems with alcohol.

Yeah...we'll still be eating cookie dough. Because it's delicious. #BigGovernmentStrikesAgain

Declare Your Independence from the old way of thinking!



If the IRS and Justice Department are willing to do the right thing for Randy, there is no reason why they should not do the same for hundreds of other property owners in exactly the same situation, said IJ Attorney Robert Everett Johnson, who represented Randy in filing his petition.

Todays decision opens a way for other victims of the structuring laws to get back whats rightfully theirs.


Arlington, Va. In a development that paves the way for the government to return millions of dollars wrongly seized through civil forfeiture from hundreds of individuals and small businesses, the federal government announced today that it will return $29,500 seized from Maryland dairy farmer Randy S...

Police and CPS called because students were talking about a baked good...


We have become so sensitive in today's politically correct culture that the police were called on a New Jersey third-grader who made a comment about brownies. The incident happened during an end-of-the-year class party at William P. Tatem Elementary School in Collingswood, New Jersey. Brownies were

America makes it extra hard for ex-cons to find work. Some states make it illegal.

For instance, Illinois bans ex-convicts from more than 118 professions.


States like Illinois bar ex-cons from entering dozens of professions, from architect to slaughtered livestock buyer.

Here's a sneak peek at tomorrow's Liberator Online from Chloe.

#Brexit & what it could mean for us, how better economic prospects are decreasing incarceration, and how you can make a better case for libertarianism by talking about what we stand FOR.

Make sure you sign up by 5 PM Eastern to get it in your inbox:


Under government payments, every new technological novelty becomes available to the vast majority of the American publicbefore the cost-reduction stage can occur.

Consequently, advances in medical technology have failed to reduce the cost of health care.


So-called public-policy experts often take the many advances in modern technology for granted. They assume that government regulations and controls merely redistribute the fruits of progress without affecting the nature and extent of technological development itself.

Alright, alright, alright!

"Nobody wants that phone call. No one wants a knock on the door that says you're loved one has died from something that can be prevented," said Tatum.


DWI arrests have spiked since Uber and Lyft left Austin. The Austin Police Department released new numbers to KEYE TV that show there were 359 DWI arrests from May 9, the day Uber and Lyft shut down, to May 31st of this year. Last year during the same ti

McDermid nevertheless does not plan to infuse again unless he gets permission from regulators.

"We are seeking clarification from the ABLE commission as to whether infusing spirits is legal and what method of infusion is acceptable," he told KFOR.

"We simply want to play by the rules, we just need to know what the rules are."


A bar manager was busted for flavoring vodka with bacon.

Mo' government, mo' problems.

Mo' government, mo' problems.

"As cannabis refugees make their way to states like Colorado to obtain life-saving treatment for themselves and their children, the governments own data increasingly backs up the validity of making the plant accessible without the threat of harsh consequences from the State."


Cannabis prohibitionists have long cautioned that legalizing the plant will inevitably lead to increased use among teens, couching their restrictive beliefs in concern for the youth. While some of these concerns may be genuine, a recent survey from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Enviro...

$1.3 billion taxpayer dollars down the rabbit hole...literally.

See the article here:

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