The Liberal/Media Freakout Rolls On – Power Line (blog)

Posted: March 2, 2017 at 2:42 pm

UPDATE/PROLOGUE: I see Paul noted the McCaskill hypocrisy (or early Alzheimers?) within seconds of my post here. Which just shows that Power Line is on the story. (More updates below.)

Liberals are now chumming the waters with news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two undisclosed meetings with the Russian ambassador last year, which somehow makes him Alger Hiss, though this is confusing since we all know Hiss was an innocent man framed up by Tricky Dick Nixon and why are we buying into a new Red Scare anywaythats something only liberal presidents like Woodrow Wilson get to do.

Anyway, it provides an opportunity for Democrats to discover their lost Cold War selves, like Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill who tweeted out that shes never had a meeting with a Russian diplomat. Except. . . oh heck, lets just let the Tale of the Tweets tell this story:

#doingmyhomework? I think she must have forgotten to turn in her homework.

Meanwhile, if you have eight minutes, Seth Meyers, of all people, mocks the media for their coverage of Trumps speech Monday night. And if youve lost Seth Meyers. . .

UPDATE: McCaskill is furiously trying to backpedal in full Clintonian style, with these two new tweets this morning:

I guess it depends on what the meaning of the word meet is.

Read the original post:

The Liberal/Media Freakout Rolls On - Power Line (blog)

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