Opinion | The Israeli Feminist Trying to Save Liberal Zionism – The New York Times

Posted: March 5, 2021 at 5:22 am

Shes convinced that there remains a large constituency for a two-state solution, at least in principle. Of course there is a huge majority that does not believe it is achievable, she said.

Thats true not only in Israel, and not only on the right. The inexorable growth of Israels occupation, and the increasing power of those in Israel calling for outright annexation of Palestinian lands, can make it hard to believe that a two-state solution is still viable. If it isnt, neither is Israeli democracy, unless and until the country is prepared to give equal rights to the Palestinians it rules. For years, its been a truism to say that Israel is approaching the point where it can be Jewish or democratic, but not both. Its possible that, as much as liberal Zionists dont want to admit it, that point has been crossed.

So I asked Michaeli why American Jews committed to liberal democracy should still feel connected to Israel. She grew vehement, saying that the experience of living under Donald Trump should redouble our empathy for Israels embattled progressives.

Michaelis first four years in the Knesset coincided with Barack Obamas second term. I spent those four years being attacked by liberal American Jews for failing to replace Netanyahu, failing to be an effective opposition, she said. She grew deeply frustrated trying to explain the near impossibility of constraining a demagogue.

And then when Donald Trump was elected, I was devastated, but at the same time, I said to my friends, Welcome to our lives, she said. Now you will understand us better, because you felt the same its the way your life changes. All of the sudden your president becomes your life, and your jaw drops 10 times a day, and you experience how a scandal happens every 10 minutes and everybody becomes numb, and you run out of words to express how horrible things are. With Trump, she said, I thought that my American liberal friends will at last understand what we have been up against all this time.

Instead, Michaeli feels that some liberal American Jews are giving up on their Israeli peers. Dont you get that we need you and you need us? she asked. You need us, because as long as Israel, which used to be a true democracy, and is half of the Jewish people, is under such threat, you need us to get over this as much as we need you to be able to strengthen your democracy.

She insists, however hard it is to imagine now, that a two-state solution is still within reach. It has to happen, said Michaeli. Im convinced that it will, eventually.

Really? I asked.

Yeah, of course, she said. Listen, I brought Labor back almost from the dead.

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Originally posted here:

Opinion | The Israeli Feminist Trying to Save Liberal Zionism - The New York Times

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