Liberal Tolerance: Sen. Tim Scott Reads His Hate Mail On Senate Floor For Supporting Sessions As AG – Townhall

Posted: February 11, 2017 at 8:54 am

Attorney General Jeff Sessions nomination process was not smooth. It was fraught with political games and gimmicks that delayed his committee vote and his final confirmation vote. Alas, on Wednesday night, he was confirmed to be our top legal enforcer by a 52-47 vote; Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) broke with Democrats to vote for Sessions. Yet, while the attorney general took heat, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), the Senates only black Republican who supported his nomination, was bombarded by racist tweets by the Left.

Scott took to the Senate floor to deliver his remarks, where he referenced the hate thats been hurled at him, even repeating some of the greatest hits, while keeping the ones calling him the n-word off the record. As a black conservative Republican, he knew that such hate would be hurled at him. Im used to being attacked, he said. It comes with the territory (via Politico):

You are an Uncle Tom, Scott. Youre for Sessions. How does a black man turn on his own, Scott said, reading criticisms of himself on social media. "Tim Scott ... doesnt have a shred of honor. Hes a House Negro like the one in Django.

He added, I left out all the ones that used the n-word. Just felt like that would not be appropriate.

Besides being called a disgrace to his race, Scott noted that since hes viewed as being no ally of liberal America, he is therefore an enemy of black people. You all know thisits identity politics at its most toxic. So, while people say that Sessions is a racist, for which there is zero substantive evidence to support such a claim unlike the late Sen. Robert Byrds (D-WV) membership in the Ku Klux Klan, they should probably look at whats hurled at conservatives that happen to be people of color.

House negro. I would say thatswhats the wordoh, racist.

Also, it's the Senate GOP that have diverse staffs,not the Democrats. Scott has a black chief of staff, which is a rarity among Senate Democrats. He also mentioned this fact in his remarks.

"My chief of staff, the only until three weeks ago, the only African-American chief of staff in the United States Senate out of a 100 is the chief of staff for a Republican," he said."The second African-American chief of staff in the United States Senate is the chief of staff of a Republican."

Democrats seem to be all talk, no action on the issue of inclusion and diversity.

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See original here:

Liberal Tolerance: Sen. Tim Scott Reads His Hate Mail On Senate Floor For Supporting Sessions As AG - Townhall

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