Liberal Men Lash Out Against ‘Unqualified’ Woman Betsy DeVos – Daily Caller

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 10:53 pm


Liberal men spent Tuesday crying out that newly confirmed Education secretary Betsy DeVos is unqualified for the job.

Immediately after DeVoss confirmation, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer took to Twitter to slam the new cabinet member as unqualified.

Rolling Stone columnist Jesse Berneysimilarly tweeted, This is your drained swamp, America. A billionaire GOP donor gets a Cabinet job shes utterly unqualified for.

Betsy DeVos testifies before the Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee confirmation hearing to be next Secretary of Education on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 17, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler called DeVos fundamentally unqualified to lead the Department of Education.

Nadlers colleague, Mass Rep. Jim McGovern, said America has never had a cabinet nominee so unqualified as DeVos.

Democratic Sen. Al Franken said in a statement that he voted against Devos because she is the most incompetent cabinet-level nominee I have ever seen.

Shortly before DeVoss confirmation, Chad Griffin, president of the left-wing Human Rights Campaign, asked Republican senators to block this unqualified nominee.

Alex Morash, a researcher for left-wing nonprofit Media Matters, claimed DeVoss confirmation proves that its possible for anyone to be confirmed by the GOP Senate, anyone no matter how unqualified!

Some liberals have argued that men putting down women as unqualified is an instance of sexism in the workplace.

In his bookMicroaggressions in Everyday Life, Columbia University professor Derald Wing Sue concludes that many women now recognize the phrase I think the most qualified person should get the job as a gender microaggression that communicates women are not as qualified as men, so when a male candidate is selected, it has nothing to do with bias but concerns his qualifications.'

Similarly, after Bernie Sanders called Hillary Clinton unqualified last April, FiveThirtyEight ran an article portraying his remarks as sexist.

Sanderss remarks and their interpretation play into discussions of the subtle, pernicious forms of sexism that women in positions of power must deal with, authors Clare Malone and Julia Azari wrote. They titled the article, Thinking Theyre Unqualified Is A Big Reason More Women Dont Run For Office.

An article in Womens Agendalast October arguesthat Everyday sexism is perhaps best defined as the reminders women receive from other men and women, that they are unqualified or fragile.

Follow Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson

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Liberal Men Lash Out Against 'Unqualified' Woman Betsy DeVos - Daily Caller

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