Liberal Media Scream: The worst of Trump hater Carl Bernstein – Yahoo News

Posted: July 27, 2021 at 1:17 pm

This weeks Liberal Media Scream features the latest anti-Trump outburst from Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein and his worst hits list.

Sunday on CNNs Reliable Sources, his main venting venue, he hyped up his prior attacks on former President Donald Trump, claiming that the Republican is a war criminal.

His over-the-top invective against Trump is nothing new, as a quick trip through the CNN archive shows. In 2017, he declared of Trumps decision to remove the FBI director, This is a potentially more dangerous situation than Watergate. In 2020, he was repeating his Watergate comparison as he charged Trump allies had now joined hands with a tyrant. Last fall, he described Trumps response to COVID as homicidal negligence before declaring we are witnessing the Mad King in the final days of his reign.

Our Liberal Media Scream partner Brent Baker, the vice president of the Media Research Center, drew up a list of Bernsteins greatest anti-Trump hits:

I think this is a potentially more dangerous situation than Watergate, and were at a very dangerous moment. And thats because we are looking at the possibility that the president of the United States and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy: free elections. Reliable Sources, May 14, 2017.

Lets look at what Watergate was because it was about a criminal president who acted as a tyrant. And what we have here now is the Senate of the United States, through the Republican leadership and membership, has now joined hands with a tyrant. CNN Newsroom, Jan. 31, 2020.

His response has been homicidal negligence. He has failed to protect the American people and rather to put his own interest of reelection and holding on to the office of the presidency in front of the health and well-being of the American people. CNN Newsroom, Oct. 3, 2020.

We are witnessing the Mad King in the final days of his reign, willing to scorch the Earth of his country and bring down the whole system to undermine our whole democracy, strip it of its legitimacy, poison the confidence of our people in our institutions and the constitution for Donald Trumps own petulant, selfish, rabid ends. CNN New Day, Nov. 20, 2020.

I think we need to calmly step back and maybe look at Trump in a different context. He is Americas, our own American war criminal, of a kind weve never experienced before ... In international law, there have been, quote, 'crimes against humanity.' I think what were talking about, Trumps crimes as an American war criminal in his own country that he has perpetrated upon our people. Reliable Sources, Sunday.

Baker explains our weekly pick: Bernstein is a one-note musician, trying every week to ramp up his singularly focused anger to get some attention. With so much unhinged animus for Trump, its hard to imagine anyone considers his rants anything more than entertainment from a guy trying, but failing, to match Trumps skill at creating a negative public image for his opponents through creative terminology.

Story continues

Rating: FIVE out of FIVE screams.

Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: Washington Secrets, President Trump, Carl Bernstein, Media, CNN

Original Author: Paul Bedard

Original Location: Liberal Media Scream: The worst of Trump hater Carl Bernstein

Originally posted here:

Liberal Media Scream: The worst of Trump hater Carl Bernstein - Yahoo News

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