Letter: Liberal Democrats have failed on promises to the cities – STLtoday.com

Posted: June 22, 2020 at 6:05 pm

Just because things are broken in blue states does not mean America has a systemic racism problem. It means liberalism and the Democratic Party have failed. The violence and mayhem seen over the past few weeks are perfect examples of how liberalism doesnt work. The liberal Democrats have been promising everything to people for decades, and not delivered any solutions. They promised to end racism and discrimination. They promised to eliminate police officers killing black people. They promised to get even with people who have more money than you. They were going to get even with all those corporations that dont hire you.

And yet they dont fix anything.

The Democratic Party cant admit their ideas dont work, so they blame America and they blame President Donald Trump. But this current blame game doesnt hold water. All of these cities on fire have been totally run by Democrats for decades. Its time the media call them out on it.

Steve Sullivan St. Charles

The rest is here:

Letter: Liberal Democrats have failed on promises to the cities - STLtoday.com

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