Justice Stephen Breyer didnt retire. Why conservatives and liberals care – Deseret News

Posted: August 4, 2021 at 2:16 pm

This article was first published in the State of Faith newsletter. Sign up to receive the newsletter in your inbox each Monday night.

As the Supreme Courts latest term drew to an end earlier this summer, court watchers like myself were waiting for more than the last few rulings. We were also standing by for retirement news from Justice Stephen Breyer, who, at 82, is the oldest member of the court.

For months, liberals have been calling on Breyer to retire and, in so doing, clear the path for Democratic President Joe Biden and the Democrat-led Senate to confirm a liberal replacement. The thinking goes that if he waits too long to retire, then conservatives will control the search for his replacement.

Liberals can point to former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to justify these concerns. She ignored calls to retire while President Barack Obama was in office and then passed away while still on the bench, which enabled former President Donald Trump to pick her replacement.

Her decision will give the conservative wing of the court the advantage in battles over culture war issues for years to come, argued David Leonhardt in a recent New York Times newsletter.

Ginsburgs decision may cost millions of American women access to abortion as well as shape policy on voting rights, climate change, gun control, religion and other issues, he said.

In recent decades, liberal justices, in general, have not made strategic retirement decisions, Leonhardt argued, claiming that theyve prioritized their personal interests over the needs of their party. Conservative justices, on the other hand, seem to proactively retire in order to be certain they wont die on the bench.

Thats part of the reason that Democratic presidents have so rarely had the chance to flip a court seat, Leonhardt wrote.

I did some research into recent departures from the Supreme Court, and I can see where Leonhardt is coming from. Ginsburgs decision not to retire under Obama looms large in recent history, especially when you compare it to Justice Anthony Kennedys retirement under Trump at age 82.

However, conservatives have also benefited greatly from other factors, including the Republican-controlled Senates refusal to confirm Obamas pick to replace former Justice Antonin Scalia, who died unexpectedly in 2016 at age 79. Its also notable that Republicans controlled the White House from 1981 all the way until 1993.

What I kept returning to as I researched shifts of power on the Supreme Court is that history is full of surprises. In recent decades, many justices who were appointed by Republican presidents became liberal over time. And many liberal justices have joined with their colleagues on rulings that seem to be very conservative, including in the religious freedom sphere.

Its safe to say that calls for Breyer to retire wont die down anytime soon. I hope the situation inspires more people to explore the Supreme Courts interesting past, instead of just worrying about the future.

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Justice Stephen Breyer didnt retire. Why conservatives and liberals care - Deseret News

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