Joe Scarborough: ‘Intolerance of Liberal College Professors’ is Hurting Education – Breitbart News

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 6:42 am



It gets to a point where whatever you say in class, if youre not left of center, you get booed, you get sneered at, and so pretty soon you just go quiet and let them run roughshod. And people who are not conservative will never understand this in a million years, Scarboroughsaid.

Scarborough suggested that liberal colleges are creating provocative students. If Im going to Dartmouth and I cant express what 53 percent of Americans believe.if I cant even say mainstream conservative thought in my class, I may as well go out on the quad and have an affirmative action bake sale, he said.

It is one of the great failings of this country, its one of the great failings of our academic system that is so the illiberal that unless you dont march in lockstep in the best college campuses in this country you are shunned. So what do you end up doing? You get shoved to extreme positions just to push back at the extreme hatred that you face the second you walk into an elite institution, Scarborough added.

Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about education and social justice for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at

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Joe Scarborough: 'Intolerance of Liberal College Professors' is Hurting Education - Breitbart News

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