Conservative groups push back against liberal opposition to Neil Gorsuch – Washington Examiner

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 9:42 pm

Conservative groups involved in a multimillion-dollar effort to ensure that federal appeals court Judge Neil Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court are pushing back against opposition from a coalition of liberal groups.

After more than 100 liberal groups wrote a letter to leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, America Rising and the Judicial Crisis Network sought to downplay the criticism.

"It's no surprise that this collection of liberal groups would oppose a mainstream nominee like Judge Gorsuch, who follows the law, adheres to the Constitution, and has been effusively praised by legal experts on both sides of the political spectrum," Jeremy Adler, America Rising Squared spokesman, wrote in an email. "Instead of voicing legitimate concerns, this is just a sad attempt to play politics with a Supreme Court seat and knowingly misrepresent Judge Gorsuch's sterling judicial record."

The Judicial Crisis Network similarly labeled the liberals as "extremists."

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"I am not surprised that a group of results-oriented political activists have attacked Judge Gorsuch because he is a fair and impartial judge, not a results-oriented political hack," said Carrie Severino, Judicial Crisis Network chief counsel. "Like Senator [Chuck] Schumer, they are extremists who will try every trick in the book to stop an exceptionally qualified, widely respected nominee who puts the law and the Constitution ahead of politics."

The back-and-forth between advocacy groups over Gorsuch's nomination comes ahead of the confirmation hearings expected to begin in the Senate next month.

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Conservative groups push back against liberal opposition to Neil Gorsuch - Washington Examiner

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