The best way to teach critical thinking – Daily Trust

Posted: June 20, 2020 at 11:03 am

For centuries, people have been interested in critical thinking the way to learn it as well as the best way to teach it. And scholars have proposed different solutions and techniques.

However, the solution I find more practical, is the one proposed by Jordan B. Peterson one of the worlds leading psychologists and the bestselling author of 12 Rules for Life.

But first, lets answer the question: Why is critical thinking important?

because thinking makes you act effectively in the world, Peterson said in one of his lectures. Thinking makes you win the battles you undertake. And those could be battles for good things.


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The essence of Petersons argument is that without thinking, we wander around the world rudderlessly. So in defining our terms, critical thinking means thinking effectively. For our purposes, therefore, we define critical thinking simply as thinking.

So what is the effective way to teach thinking?

The best way to teach people critical thinking is to teach them to write, Jordan Peterson said.

If you can think and speak and write, Peterson continued, you are absolutely deadly. Nothing can get in your way. That is why you learn to write. I can not believe why people are not told that. It is the most powerful weapon you can possibly provide someone with.

What is the evidence that writing is the best way to teach critical thinking?

We can see the evidence all around us. Globally, you can see that some of the most influential people are writers this is not only because they have platforms (newspapers, books, etc.) from which they can command attention, but also because their vocation has taught them ways to communicate ideas persuasively.

That is why once you learn how to write (think) effectively, you dont have to be a writer to enjoy the same influence or success.

Here is what the clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson said about that:

I know a lot of people who have been staggeringly successful and watch them throughout my life. Those people, you dont want to argue with them.

They will just slash you into pieces [but] not in a malevolent way. It is like if you are gonna make your point and they are gonna make their point you better have your points organized because otherwise, you are gonna look like and be an absolute idiot youre not getting anywhere.

And if you can formulate your argument coherently, and make a presentation; if you can speak to people, if you can layout a proposal, God, people give you money, they give you opportunities, you have influence that is what you are in university for, Peterson said.

Personally, Ive found that my writing abilities has opened a lot of doors and given me access to leaders in such a way that might not have been possible otherwise. Through writing, Ive become almost all the things Ive always wanted to be; not only that, it has unlocked gates to more ideas, so that I can think even more effectively.

So if writing is the best way to teach thinking, what is the best way to teach writing.

Im going to show you one good way to write which will allow even an average person to present their ideas in a sophisticated manner.

The technique is simple, but the result is impressive I will also, give you the example of a local columnist who uses this style effectively.

However, you should know that writing, ultimately, is a difficult enterprise. It is a skill you need to dedicate considerable amount of time developing.

Some writers even believe that writing cant be taught. You either know how to write or you dont. Sam Nda Isaiah, the publisher of the LEADERSHIP newspaper belongs to this school of thought. I, however, join many experts who believe that it can be taught.

A simple way to present your ideas in writing is to present them in the form of a list. For example, if you want to write about strategies to defeat bandits and the terrorists.

You can simply state that in your essay you would discuss five techniques to defeating these public enemies; then start counting.

Jideofor Adibe, the Daily Trust back page columnist on Thursday, uses this to great effect.

In his latest column (of 18 June, 2020) entitled Nigeria and the promises of democracy, he wrote:

What should have been the important issues to address during the Democracy Day speech? One, I think the president should have used the occasion to underline that democracy is a journey, not a destination; that democracy has various moods and varieties and that our countrys variety is necessarily different in some respects from what one finds elsewhere.

Mr Adibe continued counting in this fashion until his third point. After that, he drew his conclusion.

This technique also gives you the appearance of competence. This is also supported by research.

In the study, respondents were asked to choose who was more competent between two experts after reading answers the experts gave to a question.

Although both experts gave identical answers, the respondents rated the one who formulated his answer in the form of a list as the most competent. For more on that research, read chapter 11 of my book, The Social Science of Muhammad (SAW).

Therefore, using this style to write does not only provide you with a framework upon which to launch your writing, but it also gives you the sophisticated move required to structure your essay and comes with an embedded outline.

Of course, there are other structures you can use. Ive written previously about Barbara Mintos. Ive also written about joining the conversation method by Professor Graff, author of They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter In Academic Writing

However, the list method is the easiest way to approach a difficult business.

If the foregoing argument holds, then we dont write simply to earn grades in school or to fulfil some task, but to learn how to think. And after learning to think through writing, to use it as the go-to tool to navigate lifes challenges and seek success.


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The best way to teach critical thinking - Daily Trust

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