Self-Hosting Guide – Debian/Ubuntu server | Jitsi Meet

Posted: October 17, 2022 at 10:04 am

Follow these steps for a quick Jitsi-Meet installation on a Debian-based GNU/Linux system.The following distributions are supported out-of-the-box:

Many of the installation steps require root or sudo access. So it's recommended to have sudo/root access to your system.

You will need the following packages:

Make sure your system is up-to-date and required packages are installed:

Run as root or with sudo:

On Ubuntu systems, Jitsi requires dependencies from Ubuntu's universe package repository. To ensure this is enabled, run this command:

Retrieve the latest package versions across all repositories:

Decide what domain your server will use. For example,

Set a DNS A record for that domain, using:

If your computer/server or router has a dynamic IP address (the IP address changes constantly), you can use a dynamic dns-service instead. Example DuckDNS.

DNS Record Example:

If the machine used to host the Jitsi Meet instance has a FQDN (for example already set up in DNS, you can set it with the following command:

Then add the same FQDN in the /etc/hosts file:

x.x.x.x is your server's public IP address.

Finally on the same machine test that you can ping the FQDN with:

ping "$(hostname)"

If all worked as expected, you should

This will add the Prosody repository so that an up to date Prosody is installed, which is necessary for features including the lobby feature.

This will add the jitsi repository to your package sources to make the Jitsi Meet packages available.

Update all package sources:

The following ports need to be open in your firewall, to allow traffic to the Jitsi Meet server:

If you are using ufw, you can use the following commands:

Check the firewall status with:

For more details on using and hardening SSH access, see the corresponding Debian or Ubuntu documentation.

If you are running Jitsi Meet on a server behind NAT, forward the ports on your router to your server's IP address.

Note: if participants cannot see or hear each other, double check your firewall / NAT rules.

In order to have encrypted communications, you need a TLS certificate.

During installation of Jitsi Meet you can choose between different options:

The recommended option is to choose Generate a new self-signed certificate and create a Lets-Encrypt Certificate later (see below) (this will replace the self-signed certificate).

But if you want to use a different certificate or you want to choose a different challenge type of Let's Encrypt (see below for details), you should create that certificate first and then install jitsi-meet and choose I want to use my own certificate.

You could also use the self-signed certificate but this is not recommended for the following reasons:

Using a self-signed certificate will result in warnings being shown in your users browsers, because they cannot verify your server's identity.

Jitsi Meet mobile apps require a valid certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority and will not be able to connect to your server if you choose a self-signed certificate.

Note: The installer will check if Nginx or Apache are present (in that order) and configure a virtual host within the web server it finds to serve Jitsi Meet.

If you are already running Nginx on port 443 on the same machine, turnserver configuration will be skipped as it will conflict with your current port 443.

SSL/TLS certificate generation:You will be asked about SSL/TLS certificate generation.See above for details.

Hostname:You will also be asked to enter the hostname of the Jitsi Meet instance. If you have a domain, use the specific domain name, for you can enter the IP address of the machine (if it is static or doesn't change).

This hostname will be used for virtualhost configuration inside Jitsi Meet and also, you and your correspondents will be using it to access the web conferences.

Jitsi Meet server:Note: By default, anyone who has access to your Jitsi Meet server will be able to start a conference: if your server is open to the world, anyone can have a chat with anyone else.If you want to limit the ability to start a conference to registered users, follow the instructions to set up a secure domain.

Conferences/Rooms:The access control for conferences/rooms is managed in the rooms, you can set a password on the webpage of the specific room after creation.See the User Guide for details:

In order to have encrypted communications, you need a TLS certificate.

The best method is to create a certificate that is signed by a Certificate Authority.This way you can avoid problems with a self-signed certificate (see above for details).The easiest way is to use Let's Encrypt.

Simply run the following in your shell:

Note that this script uses the HTTP-01 challenge type and thus your instance needs to be accessible from the public internet on both ports 80 and 443. If you want to use a different challenge type, don't use this script and instead choose I want to use my own certificate during jitsi-meet installation.

If the installation is on a machine behind NAT jitsi-videobridge should configure itself automatically on boot. If three way calls do not work, further configuration of jitsi-videobridge is needed in order for it to be accessible from outside.

Provided that all required ports are routed (forwarded) to the machine that it runs on. By default these ports are (TCP/443 or TCP/4443 and UDP/10000).

The following extra lines need to be added to the file /etc/jitsi/videobridge/

And comment the existing

See the documentation of ice4jfor details.

Systemd/Limits:Default deployments on systems using systemd will have low default values for maximum processes and open files. If the used bridge will expect higher number of participants the default values need to be adjusted (the default values are good for less than 100 participants).

To update the values edit /etc/systemd/system.conf and make sure you have the following values if values are smaller, if not do not update.

To check values just run:

To load the values and check them see below for details.

To reload the systemd changes on a running system execute sudo systemctl daemon-reload and sudo systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2.To check the tasks part execute sudo systemctl status jitsi-videobridge2 and you should see Tasks: XX (limit: 65000).To check the files and process part execute cat /proc/`cat /var/run/jitsi-videobridge/`/limits and you should see:

Launch a web browser (such as Firefox, Chrome or Safari) and enter the hostname or IP address from the previous step into the address bar.

If you used a self-signed certificate (as opposed to using Let's Encrypt), your web browser will ask you to confirm that you trust the certificate. If you are testing from the iOS or Android app, it will probably fail at this point, if you are using a self-signed certificate.

You should see a web page prompting you to create a new meeting.Make sure that you can successfully create a meeting and that other participants are able to join the session.

If this all worked, then congratulations! You have an operational Jitsi conference service.

Sometimes the following packages will fail to uninstall properly:

When this happens, just run the uninstall command a second time and it should be ok.

The reason for the failure is that sometimes the uninstall script is faster than the process that stops the daemons. The second run of the uninstall command fixes this, as by then the jigasi or jitsi-videobridge daemons are already stopped.

Web Browser:You can try to use a different web browser. Some versions of some browsers are known to have issues with Jitsi Meet.

WebRTC, Webcam and Microphone:You can also visit to test your browser's WebRTC support.

Firewall:If participants cannot see or hear each other, double check your firewall / NAT rules.

Nginx/Apache:As we prefer the usage of Nginx as webserver, the installer checks first for the presence of Nginx and then for Apache. In case you desperately need to enforce the usage of apache, try pre-setting the variable jitsi-meet/enforce_apache for package jitsi-meet-web-config on debconf.

Log files:Take a look at the various log files:

Jigasi is a server-side application acting as a gateway to Jitsi Meet conferences. It allows regular SIP clients to join meetings and provides transcription capabilities.

During the installation, you will be asked to enter your SIP account and password. This account will be used to invite the other SIP participants.

Launch again a browser with the Jitsi Meet URL and you'll see a telephone icon on the right end of the toolbar. Use it to invite SIP accounts to join the current conference.


See the original post:
Self-Hosting Guide - Debian/Ubuntu server | Jitsi Meet

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