NW NJ Ecovillage – Fellowship for Intentional Community

Posted: October 8, 2016 at 10:31 pm

Vision Statement (4/3/10): We are a family of friends creating a community dedicated to caring for the Earth and its inhabitants by learning, practicing, and demonstrating the skills for ecological sustainability and a nurturing society.

Mission Statement (4/3/10): Our community is cultivating a close relationship with the Earth through low-energy living, permaculture, natural building, and continual waste reduction.

We create community by valuing close, respectful relationships, using consensus decision making and resource sharing.

We support each others well-being and are creating a self-supportive, local economy, where we live and work cooperatively.

List of General Agreements (5/28/06):

House clustering Natural building and retrofitting of existing structures We respect children, families, and parents Energy needs must follow a set of core principles We will have some community-shared buildings There will be no dietary restrictions (except no humans) Respecting of all spiritual and secular beliefs CSA on property Prefer to be five miles from a town Sustainable horticulture and agriculture Cooperative ownership of land and housing with oversight from the community on sustainability practices Shared meals Community composting A learning center in the ecovillage Permaculture Resource sharing Ecological water use (grey water recycling, and no septic or sewer systems) Continual waste reduction Pedestrian walkway with a parking lot on the outskirts of the community Car cooperative of biodiesel and grease vehicles Composting toilets Members will contribute the minimum number of community labor hours We will evolve into a network of local ecological communities

Listserve: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EcovillageNWNJ

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NW NJ Ecovillage - Fellowship for Intentional Community

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