Column: Community will miss Rev. Irwin’s impact – Wicked Local Waltham

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:45 pm

By Rev. Tom Maehl

Waltham is transient city with people coming and going with regularity. Mostly people who leave do so with little fanfare. Seldom do we stop to publicly say thank you and good-bye.

The Rev. Sara Irwin, who as served Christ Episcopal Church in Waltham for the past 11 years, is leaving. In early March, she and her family will move to Pittsburg where new opportunities for ministry await them. For those in the congregation she serves, this brings a measure of sadness and she will be dearly missed. For the rest of the city, this will go by mostly unnoticed.

I am a colleague of Saras and as such I will say thank you and good-bye privately. Yet I am also a citizen of Waltham, a person who cares deeply for this city in which I live, work and am raising my children. It is in that capacity that I wish to celebrate and offer public gratitude for her leadership.

First and foremost what I celebrate is the enduring presence of Christ Episcopal Church! In the 17 years in Waltham, I have watched as many older established faith communities have closed. I used to be able to count the number on one hand, now I need two. I am aware that Christ Episcopal was heading in that direction having endured years of decline. Without some sort of change, this newspaper may have had yet another front page story about a congregation closure, instead of this back page thank you note.

Over the time that the Rev. Sara Irwin has served the congregation has significantly grown. As I see it, this has come through a combination of good pastoral leadership, radical hospitality and the intentional welcome of children and young adults.

As a person of faith who values not only my own faith tradition but others, I am grateful that big fieldstone building across the street from the public library is housing another vibrant congregation, instead of say luxury housing or office space. So thank you Sara for being there for your congregation, and for your care-filled leadership that has been instrumental in ensuring that for years to come the diverse, faithful congregation you have served will continue to be there for others.

Thank you also for your care of others beyond the congregation you serve. Thanks to you and the people of Christ Episcopal for your diaper depot providing a measure of relief for lower income families. Thanks for your care of persons struggling with homeless, addiction and domestic violence. Thanks for your advocacy on behalf of the marginalized and for your cheerful willingness to collaborate with other faith traditions and communities, including my own. It is a blessing.

The Rev. Tom Maehl is the pastor of First Lutheran Church in Waltham

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Column: Community will miss Rev. Irwin's impact - Wicked Local Waltham

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