Sleepy Hollow: Ichabod Comes Home and Malcolm Achieves Immortality – TVOvermind

Posted: February 11, 2017 at 8:26 am

To quote the classic film, The Wizard of Oz, There is no place like home.. For Ichabod Crane, that statement couldnt be more right. Our resident man out of time gets to go home in tonights Sleepy Hollow. There he will not only find the last piece to the Philosophers Stone but a shocking truth. A truth that will shine a light on his epic battle with the Horseman of Death.

When Malcolm told Ichabod that General Washington had used him as a sacrifice to the Stone back in Colonial Times, it shocked me. The man that was once Ichabods friend and mentor used him as a sacrificial lamb in the field of battle. I mean, I understand why the general did what he did, because it brought about the end of the war. That and Ichabod was able to awaken in the 21st century and carry on his role as Witness.

Speaking of the Philosophers Stone, how did Jobe find Ichabod in the chamber underneath the tunnels at the Archives? Did the demon have some sort of supernatural GPS that guides him to wherever or whoever he wants to find? Also, how did Ichabod solve Bannekers Sphinx cipher that fast? Yes, he is really good at solving riddles and figuring out ciphers, but wondering minds (namely mine) want to know how he did it! Im also trying to wrap my head around the fact that the jackal-headed archer is another version of the Sphinx. I guess the Egyptians couldnt think of what to call it so they went with the same one for the half-human, half-lion creature.

Some humorous moments in this episode were the scene where Agent Thomas called Ichabod Daniel Boone at the gas station convenience store. I had expected Ichabod to launch into a full on lecture about Boone and his elaborate history, but I digress. Another funny moment was when Ichabod drank a cold, Slurpee-esque drink and got himself brain-freeze. That made me chuckle to no end. I also enjoyed the part where Agent Thomas called the Archives Ichabods Man Cave. Its technically true given that Ichabods the only one using it and most if not all of the things within it are his. The man sure loves his books. Like me (insert wide grin here).

In the end, Jenny and the rest of Team Witness 2.0 were able to rescue Ichabod. The former used a blessed lantern to trap Jobe and the others blew up the tent that Malcolm was in after getting Ichabod to safety. I had a gut feeling that the latter would not meet a grisly end after seeing him drink the liquid from the Philosophers Stone. When Malcolm got up from the ruins of the tent unharmed, I knew that he had achieved immortality. Though I think that his so-called loophole wont last for very long because the Devil has ways of getting even.

It was a tender moment towards the end of the episode where Ichabod visits Abbies grave. He told her about everything that has happened (with the exception that Molly is the next Witness). He even told her about the new Hogwarts theme park that he plans on going to. I, for one, would love to see Ichabod Crane dressed in full Ravenclaw attire. Before leaving the cemetary, Ichabod gave Abbie a Headless Horseman bobblehead (where can I get my hands on one of those?), a deep bow (still awkward) and went to a local bar to celebrate with his new friends before heading back to Washington, D.C.

Photo via FOX


Ichabod Crane goes home and finds out a shocking truth about his past in this week's episode of Sleepy Hollow.

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Sleepy Hollow: Ichabod Comes Home and Malcolm Achieves Immortality - TVOvermind

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