The Real Story Behind Aliens_ Ufos_ Demons_ Illuminati

Posted: February 11, 2012 at 2:35 am

15-01-2011 02:55 DEEP STUDY INTO ALIENS REALLY BEING FALLEN ANGELS, DEMONS. SATAN FINAL ATTEMPT TO MISLEAD MAN Compiles lots of modern photos and video footage with records and drawings of ancient aliens left by our ancestors. So why all the mystery about who the Aliens are? All of the records and evidence point to the truth that they are the NEPHILIM races described in the Bible as hybrid human species derived from fallen angels mating with human women................. Genesis 6:2.....That the sons of God ( meaning fallen angels, those who followed Satan in rebellion against God ) saw the daughters ( meaning women of the earth ) of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. The records indicate that the offspring produced several different gentile races. Some were giants / titans, some were reptilian, some had extra arms and 6 fingers, hair covered humanoids like Esau... And we even see evidence of this remaining in our human gene pool on recessive genes... giantism is called acromegaly now... humans born with 6 fingers are called polydactyl ... humans born covered with hair are diagnosed with hypertrichosis... on and on... As for the hybrid alien races that survived with their technology thousands of years ahead, we see them too. Esaus hair-covered humanoid decendants in the mountains are called bigfoot... And over 20 witnesses in a Russian park (including policemen, school children, a janitor... all walks of life) saw a craft land and 3 giants over 9 ...

See original here:
The Real Story Behind Aliens_ Ufos_ Demons_ Illuminati

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