'Neil Armstrong – LYING PIECE OF MASON SH*T: Good RIDDANCE': Moon Truthers Mourn a Legend [Video]

Posted: August 28, 2012 at 1:12 am

Neil Armstrong, the first human being to ever set foot on the moon, died over the weekend, triggering an avalanche of eulogies, remembrances, and memorials. Both from the vast majority of human beings who are in awe of Armstrong's feat and from the few hundred weirdos on the internet who believe the moon landing was faked by Illuminati Reptilians.

Since Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins visited the moon in 1969, people have been claiming that the whole thing was a hoax staged and filmed (some say by Stanley Kubrick) as a political distraction, or a propaganda exercise, or an occult ritual. Or maybe all three. There's a long and extensive debunking of the conspiracy on Wikipedia. Toward the end of his life, Armstrong took the theorizing in stride "People love conspiracy theories, they're very attractive. But they were never a concern to me," he told an Australian television station earlier this year but they never stopped. Not even with his death.

As always, the place to start to find the best of the conspiratorial web is the Godlike Productions message board. It doesn't disappoint:

Of these posts, the best might be "Wake up! Alien voice sound bite from HOLOGRAPHIC MOON! Neil Armstrong is an alien on the holographic moon!!!":

Meanwhile, "BREAKING!! Neil Armstrong Has Died! There is Rumor That He Was About To Blow The Whistle And Announce The Moon Land Was A Hoax!!" links to several videos featuring Neil Armstrong's public statements played backwards, revealing messages like "We will not survive."

One poster darkly hints at Armstrong's motivation:

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'Neil Armstrong - LYING PIECE OF MASON SH*T: Good RIDDANCE': Moon Truthers Mourn a Legend [Video]

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