Threats at home: The left has its own history of domestic terrorism – Milford Daily News

Posted: April 21, 2021 at 9:35 am

Frank Mazzaglia| Guest Columnist

Our national capitolis well guarded these days with armed soldiers and barbed wire all over the place. They are on guard against domestic terrorists.The narrative we are all supposed to believe is that domestic terrorism comes from the right.

Really?Perhaps its even true that people who cant read or suffer from severe memory loss might even believe that. On the other hand, people with a grasp of their right minds differ.Domestic violence in the nations recent history can be traced toHarlems race riots back in the '60s when, in a terrible incident, a 15-year-old black child namedJames Powell was shot by a police lieutenant. That was followed by a string of blowups in Watts, Newark and Detroit until some semblance of peace was finally restored.

Racial violence erupted across the United States again following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis on April 4, 1968.

The 1968 Democratic Convention that nominated Hubert Humphrey was one of the most contentious in history marked by huge riotous street protests by the left. Then came the student occupation of Columbia University, which followed the attack on the Pentagon just theyear before.

Does anyone remember the massive anti-war protests in 1970 at Kent State followed by riots and student unrest at college campuses all across the country?Come to think of it, that was the same year that terrorists blew themselves up by accident. The 2,000-pound bomb they were building was meant to kill soldiers and their wives at a dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey.

During the turbulent Vietnam years of Nixons presidency, more than 40,000bombings, attempted bombings, and bomb threats were recorded in the United States.

In 1992, when a jury acquitted the four police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King, violence also followed in cities all across the United States.

The fact is that you dont have to go back that far to track violence from the left. In May of 2020, following the death of George Floyd, we saw massive protests in Minneapolis turned into riots that featured arson and looting and spread to Portland, Seattle and 140 other cities.

According to Patrick Buchanan, writing in the American Conservative, those riots resulted in the deaths of six people, scores of injured police and between $1 billion and $2 billion in damaged or destroyed property.Those were described as peaceful protests.

Heather Mac Donald , writing in the Wall Street Journal tells us, The year 2020 likely saw the largest percentage increase in homicides in American history. Murder rates were up 37 percent in a sample of 5 large and medium-sized cities. Based on preliminary estimates, at least 2,000 more Americans, most of them black, were killed in 2020 than in 2019."

Dozens of children, overwhelmingly black, were killed in drive-by shootings. They were slain in their beds, living rooms, and strollers. They were struck down at barber shops, in their yards, in malls, in their parents cars, and at birthday parties. Fifty-five children were killed in Chicago in 2020, 17 in St. Louis, and 11 in Philadelphia.

True enough, the Capitol riot by a mob of pro-Trump protestors went out of control and a good cop and four others lost their lives. It was terrible to watch. Yet, it pales when compared to the anarchy from the left and the right that continues into 2021. Shootings in Los Angeles are already up 742 percent. In Oakland, homicide were up 500 percent Closer to home, murders in New York were up 42 percent.

Overwhelming historical evidence shows that domestic violence is much more prevalent on the left.

FrankMazzagliacan be reached

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Threats at home: The left has its own history of domestic terrorism - Milford Daily News

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