This Day In History, May 20th, 2021 – "Fields of Dead" – Signals AZ

Posted: May 20, 2021 at 4:59 am

By Staff | on May 20, 2021

It was just 70 years ago today, May 20, 1951, when the latest Communist offensive was defeated and brought to a halt on the eastern half of the front line in Korea. Remember the 750,000 Chinese Soldiers that walked all the way from Eastern China to fight in Korea, well they had now been used up, sacrificed in an all-out attempt to break through the UN Forces and conquer South Korea and win the War. The UN Soldiers were shocked at the fanaticism of the Chinese and North Korean Soldiers, which seemed almost suicidal. Communist casualties were heavy, over 70,000 in April and another 90,000 for May, so heavy that the battlefield was covered with their dead. Once again UN Soldiers couldnt advance without stepping on the dead or pieces of the dead enemy soldiers. It looked like the UN now had a chance to win the Korean War.

The rest is here:

This Day In History, May 20th, 2021 - "Fields of Dead" - Signals AZ

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