So Paulo: 468 Years of History and Construction of the State Capital – ArchDaily

Posted: February 17, 2022 at 7:58 am

So Paulo: 468 Years of History and Construction of the State Capital







468 years ago, at Pateo do Collegio, the largest city in Latin America was born: So Paulo. A metropolis in constant movement that, among so many complexities and conflicts, presents both cultural and human diversity, which makes it deeply rich.

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To celebrate its anniversary, we highlight some articles that help to deepen our view and experience of the capital of the state that bears the same name, So Paulo.

Not every gray in So Paulo is sad. The city was the melting pot for one of the most important schools of Brazilian architecture: Brutalist. With strong names such as Lina Bo Bardi and Vilanova Artigas, the movement sought the hard poetry of the concrete. But the greatest exponent of So Paulo brutalism was, without a doubt, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, and we have put together a guide to his most important works in the city.

A city is not just made up of its architecture, its quality is also intrinsically linked to the green spaces it provides, and as gray as we imagine So Paulo, it offers several alternatives for parks and squares.

The city, a space for encounter and confrontation of different perspectives, transforms its landscapes and sociability relations by receiving migratory flows and welcoming the different actors of this process in different ways. The focus on Latin American migrant women broadens the debate on metropolitan socio-spatial issues.

Probably, part of its population and the majority of visitors, never knew the reality that exists in its peripheries. Understanding part of the history of Fazendinhando is a small dive into the possible universes that the city encompasses and are not always seen.

Black and oriental cultures, especially Japanese, help to contribute to the understanding of Liberdade's process of identity construction. Through a comic strip it is possible to delve deeper into this historical context.

Discover the project that recognizes the role of rivers as the main urban structurers and seeks to redesign the metropolis that, throughout its development, turned its back on its waterways and turned them into beds for sewage and garbage.

One of the world's most vertical cities. Among so many buildings, some stand out and become real urban landmarks, just as there are others that are not so well known, but that show their presence on the neighborhood scale.

Check out a map with all archeological sites in the city. Places of heritage interest, from clandestine cemeteries and indigenous artifacts to gold mining ruins.

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So Paulo: 468 Years of History and Construction of the State Capital - ArchDaily

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