Rewriting history? There’s a bill that could change what’s taught in schools –

Posted: May 14, 2021 at 5:59 am

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas Theres a huge fight taking place in the Texas legislature over what should or shouldnt be taught in history and social studies classes.

Republican lawmakers in the house and the senate are trying to push through legislation that would keep teachers in public schools from teaching critical race theories.

Democrats and a number of educators say that the legislation, if passed, would be a white washing of history.

"I think that this critical race theory that the legislature is moving forward with is a bit extreme," president of the local American Federation of Teacher's Union Dr. Nancy Vera said.

"I think that nobodys going to tell anyone theyre racist because theyre White but we do have to recognize there are some people who are White supremacists.

"These Republicans, particularly the House Republicans, who have advanced their bill, their viewing this as youre teaching a version of history that suggests racism is ongoing and theres no way to curate and that all people are inherently racist," Texas A&M Kingsville Political Science Professor Dr. Travis Braidwood said.

"And then on the upside, you have Democrats, who are arguing that this is an educational process to tell children about long-standing discriminatory practices.

CCAFT union says that if the state passes these prohibitions on what can be taught in the classroom, she expects civil rights organizations to file a lawsuit over the matter.

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Rewriting history? There's a bill that could change what's taught in schools -

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