READER LETTER: What history will we lose? | Letters To The Editor | – Crow River Media

Posted: June 23, 2021 at 6:48 am

June 6 marked the 77th anniversary of D-Day, a day in history that changed Europe and around the world forever. The brave men who charged that beach in northern France will never be forgotten. They were heroes and words cannot express my thanks to those brave soldiers. I thank all World War II vets around the world, the Greatest Generation.

This event may never be discussed in our classrooms anymore. Why? This is what the committee on creating the new social studies standards wants to leave out, along with many other important events in American history.

What is next? The committee will tell us we cannot teach about the Declaration of Independence, the Fourth of July or the Revolutionary War?

As a social studies teacher, I stand up and say, No way I will stop teaching about this great moment or any other great moment!

Those that fought and died for this country in WWII or any wars, and those who fought and bled to help make this country great, shall never be forgotten. The committee needs to realize we need to teach all history involving everyone that played a role, not leaving out some events and adding others only to push a political message.

All history should be taught and explain how all the people of the United States played a role in making this country great and who we are today. Stand with me that I and all teachers can continue to tell the great American story.

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READER LETTER: What history will we lose? | Letters To The Editor | - Crow River Media

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