Local history: Fifty years ago, fire ravaged Buchtel Hall at the University of Akron – Akron Beacon Journal

Posted: May 3, 2021 at 6:49 am

Buchtel Hall rose from the ashes of a devastating fire.

Then it had to do it all over again when history repeated itself.

Fifty years ago, the University of Akron came close to losing its iconic building.

Custodians James Granlee and Nora Guy were taking a snack break at 2:30 a.m. May 8, 1971, after cleaning the first two levels of the administration building.

As Granlee nibbled on food and read a book in a lower-level office, he heard a sharp knock. It was a puzzling sound since it was the middle of the night.

At first, I thought somebody had walked by the door and hit it with their fist, he later told the Beacon Journal. I looked out the window and then down the hallway, but didnt see anything. So I went back to my book.

A few minutes later, Granlee and Guy heard two more thuds. They checked the offices of President Norman P. Auburn and other administrators, but found nothing unusual until they took their search outside at 2:45 a.m.

The custodians were shocked to see heavy smoke pouring out of three windows on the second story. When Akron firefighters arrived, the roof of Buchtel Hall was engulfed in orange flames.

More than 50 firefighters from 11 companies battled the blaze. They entered the front door and climbed to the second floor, but debris rained down on them and they had to evacuate the building.

The roof collapsed with a loud crunch. Firefighters used three ladder trucks and seven pumpers to pour tons of water on the structure to prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings, and finally got the blaze under control by 4:30 a.m. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Besides the presidents office, Buchtel Hall housed the offices of admissions, university publications, new construction accounting, equal employment opportunity, vice president of business and finance, treasurer, university news service, development, vice president for student services, director of institutional research and vice president of academic affairs.

All were out of a home.

Fire officials estimated damage to the building at $503,000 and $186,000 to its contents. Adjusted for inflation, that would amount to nearly $4.5 million today.

Buchtel Hall was the last surviving building from Buchtel College, the forerunner of the University of Akron. Designed by architect Frank O. Weary, it replaced the colleges original 1871 hall, which was destroyed by a fire Dec. 20, 1899.

Buchtel College dedicated the building in June 1901 at commencement. The new hall contained two cornerstones: its own in the northeast corner and the stone from the original building in the vestibule wall of the main entrance.

Seventy years later, the charred building was mostly a shell.

Apparently the flames shot up through an old shaft which had been enclosed, and then broke out in the attic, explained George W. Ball, director of university relations. Theres nothing to indicate at this time that the fire was purposely set.

Most of the offices are intact, but the water damage is extensive. Were taking the contents out now and attempting to dry them out.

State and city fire investigators searched for a cause.

At this time, Id have to say it was either defective wiring, careless smoking or arson, in that order, Akron Fire Chief Carl E. Best said a day after the fire.

He added that the chance of arson was remote. Months later, the cause had still not been determined. If it ever was found, officials apparently didnt tell reporters.

Adding to the intrigue, the building was not insured. The previous year, campus unrest during the Vietnam War led to a series of arson fires and bomb threats. In November, the insurance company issued a 30-day cancellation notice.

Even though we tried, insurance companies considered the buildings high risk in view of the past incidents, Ball explained. All the auxiliary buildings dormitories, and Gardner Student Center are covered, but not the academic buildings.

President Auburn said it wasnt customary for state universities to insure their buildings. The insurance that the University of Akron had on Buchtel Hall in 1970 was a carryover from its days as a municipal university.

Before, we didnt have the power and backing of the state, Auburn said. We had to have our own coverage because the city was in no position to come to our aid.

Auburn, who was preparing to step down from his post after 20 years, said he hoped to see Buchtel Hall restored.

We want to preserve the outside walls and the buildings architectural lines, he said. It is a landmark on the campus and we would like to see it back … only this time fireproofed.

President-elect Dominic J. Guzzetta, the leader of Marian College in Indiana, said he agreed 100% with Auburn.

I think Buchtel Hall is synonymous with the university, Guzzetta said. It would be quite unfortunate if Akron University did not have Buchtel Hall.

Not everyone was in agreement. According to an informal poll in the Beacon Journal, 55% of respondents said Buchtel Hall wasnt worth restoring while 45% wanted to see it repaired.

Among the comments of naysayers: A new, fireproof, more efficient building can be built for the same price. There is too much violence to try and preserve it. I believe in progress but this is not worth saving. It certainly doesnt harmonize with the other buildings.

Among the comments of preservationists: As a city university, it is important to preserve at least one link with the past. It is the only building that doesnt look like a factory. Ill never forget the beautiful stairway and balcony. Yes, but lets insure it. Akron U has too little tradition now.

University trustees authorized Auburn to ask the state for funds to restore or replace the administration building. On June 14, 1972, Gov. John Gilligan signed June 14, 1972, a $158 million capital improvements bill that included $850,000 for Buchtel Hall.

The University of Akron approved $722,742 in bids with Seese and Sveda Construction Co. serving as the general contractor for $472,520, Other winning bids were; Spohn Corp., heating, ventilating and air conditioning, $156,884; G.W. Geopfert, plumbing, $36,650; and Community Electric, wiring, $56,688.

By December 1972, all work on gutting the old building had been completed. Structural steel, window frames and door frames arrived for construction.

For the next year, workers restored Buchtel Hall to its original glory.

Philanthropist Helen Shaffer Robertson donated $100,000 in memory of her husband, James G. Robertson, an Akron financier. The money was used to build a blue-and-gold conference room forthe building.

The Womens Committee of the University of Akron took particular interest in the wrought-iron staircase, pledging $10,000 to restore the much-admired fixture. The 150-foot double stairway was carefully reshaped from the original iron, but its wood railings had to be replaced.

While most of the interior restoration was completed by September 1973, the University of Akron decided not to dedicate the building until the Founders Day celebration Jan. 9, 1974.

Classes were dismissed as officials held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 11 a.m. Volunteers served refreshments and offered tours of the pristine offices.

In an address titled Out of the Ashes: Buchtel Rebuilt, Professor George W. Knepper praised the building as the heart of the university and said it held intangible value.

It serves as an emotional anchor, giving us a sense of continuity with past achievements and our goals, Knepper said.

Buchtel Hall was back.

Mark J. Price can be reached at mprice@thebeaconjournal.com.

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Local history: Fifty years ago, fire ravaged Buchtel Hall at the University of Akron - Akron Beacon Journal

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