Dr. Scott Atlas blasts ‘despicable’ Birx and Fauci ‘trying to overtly rewrite history’ on coronavirus, Trump – Fox News

Posted: March 31, 2021 at 5:56 am

Dr. Scott Atlas, a member of former President Trump's coronavirus task force, blasted his ex-colleagues Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, after they went on CNN and tried to 'rewrite history.'

Atlas told "The Ingraham Angle" that Birx' and Fauci's comments about Trump were "despicable,"and that the pair are trying to blame their criticsfor the socioeconomic and medical problems across the country, despite it being their policies that led to the crises.

In a clip played by host Laura Ingraham, Fauci told CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta that he was "shocked" when Trump tweeted that Virginia and Michigan should be "liberated" from lockdown orders.

Meanwhile, Birx told Gupta that she in turn was disheartened when, during an April 2020 meeting, Trump declared he would "never shut the country down again," and that with the exception of the first 100,000 deaths from the initial coronavirus "surge," the rest could have been "mitigated or decreased substantially" if the correct actions were taken by the White House at the time.

The comments enraged Atlas. "We are witnessing somethingincredible which is peopletrying to overtly rewritehistory.It's the most insane thing Ihave ever seen.Of all the insanity I saw in theWhite House, this is the mostdespicable," he said.

"What they are doing -- these arepeople that advocated forcurfews, lockdowns, schoolclosures, the business restrictions,the lack of group visits foryour own family and those wereimplemented.Those were the policies on theground of almost every singlestate including the ones thatFauci just mentioned."

"Now they are saying the peoplewho criticize the policies thatwere implemented are responsiblefor the failures of the policiesthat were implemented," Atlas added.

Atlas told Ingrahamhe should have expected such commentary because his contrarian views never fit with the rest of the task force team.

"This is insane, it isdespicable.I'm shocked but I shouldn't be...These people don't know thetruth if it hit them in thehead," he said.

"You're blaming people forcriticizing what was done andthose are the people on yourshow who wanted what was done.They ought to look in the mirrorand they ought to go on TV andapologized if they think 500,000people died, they were the causeof the policy, they recommendedthe policy."

He also dismissed criticisms from Adm. Brett Giroir and ex-Trump CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield.

Redfield told CNN that Atlas' viewpoint "allowed him to ill-inform a lot of people" and "negate Birx, Fauci and [former FDA Commissioner Stephen] Hahn's voice."Giroir, meanwhile, said that he found some of Atlas' recommendations to be "fallacy."


In response, Atlas said the two ex-officials don't understand what their positions truly represented, and they have no regard for the economic impact of their decisions.

"I'm speechless, again theydon't understand what theyadvocated was done.I was the one brought in because I was the only one whocared what was happening byshutting down medical care,closing schools, closingbusinesses, destroying lowincome families, sacrificing ourchildren," he said.

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Dr. Scott Atlas blasts 'despicable' Birx and Fauci 'trying to overtly rewrite history' on coronavirus, Trump - Fox News

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