Cemeteries and Burials | Utah Division of State History

Posted: May 14, 2021 at 5:59 am

Please read the complete grant guidelines to determine your eligibility and matching requirement.

Match RequiredIndividual matching grants can be up to $10,000. The matching requirement will range in terms of percentage required for a match. All matching funds need not be monetary. Volunteer time is allowed to be calculated at a rate of $13.00/hour. Also, in-kind donations or contributions can also be used toward the matching requirement.

Digitization projects must provide the electronic report of burials and any maps produced to the program administrator. Preservation projects must provide proof of work done with photographs and site visit.

TiersMatching requirements will be based on the County Classification used by the Utah State Legislature. This classification is based on population using Utah Code Section 17-50-501*. Applicants can determine their county classification below to identify the percentage of match required.

1st Class (population of 700,000 or more) - match is at 50%.2nd Class (population of 125,000 to 699,999) - match is at 40%.3rd Class (population of 31,000 to 124,999) - match is at 30%.4th Class (population of 11,000 to 30,999) - match is at 25%.5th Class (population of 4,000 to 10,999) - match is at 20%.6th Class (population less than 4,000) - match is at 15%.

* County Classifications are determined by the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel of the Utah State Legislature.

TimelineNew grant cycles begin July 1st of every year. Applications are accepted throughout the year. However, all funded projects must be completed with no new expenses incurred by June 30th of each year.

Grant funds are limited and are on a first come first serve basis. Applicants are free to apply for consecutive grant cycles.

Project Eligibility

Cultural ComplianceHistoric cemeteries (anything over 50 years old) that embark on a preservation project will need to comply with state and federal law concerning cultural resources. Consultation may be required with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) if the project includes major rehabilitation, restoration, and repair work involving significant changes or replacement of key features and entire markers or other historic structures.

StandardsThe following standards are adapted from the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for the Treatment ofHistoric Properties:

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Cemeteries and Burials | Utah Division of State History

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