SEAS: The Art Of Sound Perfection

Posted: March 31, 2017 at 7:31 am

During ISE 2017, NEC announced their NEC Infinity Board Video Conferencing, where SEAS delivers the sound. The Infinity Board is an all-in-one communication system with a high-end screen, camera and loudspeakers, perfect for conference calls, online classes etc.

NEC approached us and wanted to know if we would take on the challenge. Of course we did, and we are now the proud supplier of sound solution for the system. We have contributed with a High End full range 4-inch SEAS loudspeaker driver with ultra-low distortion. The driver is mounted in a solid MDF cabinet, and the resulting sound is clear and stable. This enables excellent speech intelligibility with no distractions.

The speakers are thoughtfully designed to give any listener in the room the equal high end sound experience.

Daniela Dexheimer, Product Manager Solutions at NEC Display Solutions Europe says: "We are very pleased with the successful launch of the NEC InfinityBoard which took place at ISE 2017 in Amsterdam. So far, the interest for the solution has been overwhelming and we believe that this new all-in-one communication platform is bound to meet the needs of customers out in the market place. Bringing together strong eco-partners to collaborate and create a new innovative solution like InfinityBoard is very encouraging. High quality components are key for such a sophisticated solution aimed to enhance the overall meeting experience. The high-end loudspeakers from SEAS was an easy choice since SEAS is constantly working to meet with the highest standards. The InfinityBoard is a best-in-class display solution designed for the modern meeting room and the new collaborative working and communication styles.

For more information on the NEC Infinity Board Conferencing system, visit NECs website here.

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SEAS: The Art Of Sound Perfection

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