Cardboard vessels take to the ‘high seas’ at MCA – News Item

Posted: March 27, 2017 at 5:10 am

High school students test design skills during boat regatta

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MOUNT CARMEL Will it float?

The answer to the age-old question was answered Friday during the Mount Carmel Area Junior/Senior High School ninth annual Boat Regatta.

Boats made of cardboard, rubber sealant and a limited amount of duct tape either sank or stayed afloat during the double-elimination event organized by industrial arts teacher Keith Fourspring.

Leading up to the humorous event, Fourspring taught his students how to create small-scale models and solve formulas to determine if their ships would be sea worthy. Months of hard work by students was ultimately put to the test Friday in the head-to-head competition that contained several heats.

First place was awarded to Selana Guererro, second to Alyssa Karycki and third to Evan Salamone.

The event included live music by students and light refreshments for event sponsors. The boats that did not make the finish line were ultimately decommissioned and placed in a district garbage truck.

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Cardboard vessels take to the 'high seas' at MCA - News Item

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