Why Radicalism Culture is Spreading in Indonesia – Netralnews

Posted: May 2, 2017 at 10:51 pm

GMNI officials with Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi (ist)

JAKARTA, NETRALNEWS.COM The Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) assesses that Indonesia's education is still hampered by various problems that ignore the character building education based on nationality and the people.

GMNIs Education Committee member Widya Fattah conveyed the reasons for the spread of cultural hedonism and radicalism among youth. According to him, privatization and liberalization in the world of education had become a factor of cultural outbreak of hedonism and radicalism.

"Privatization and liberalization of education become the entrance to the spread of cultural hedonism and radicalism among youth," Widya said in Jakarta on Tuesday (2/5/2017).

According to him, liberalization and privatization of education is felt to facilitate other understandings into the world of education that weakens the state in shaping the nation and character building of the Indonesian nation.

He also highlighted the ease of understanding of radicalism in the world of education. This is supported by the findings of textbooks taught in Jombang, East Java.

In that book students are allowed to persecute other children of other faiths. It indicates the weakness of the state to supervise the substance of education.

It is time, he said, the government restore the function of education as an arena of sharpening reasoning skills, and develop intellectual and character as Bung Karno called about renaissance-pedagogie, which is education to raise the nation.

Therefore, GMNI urges the government of the Republic of Indonesia to re-enter the curriculum on Pancasila and to socialize the importance of nationalism and nationality of Indonesia from primary education to higher education.

"There is no bargaining, civic education must be done seriously, not as a political commodity, because the output is the behavior of the nation's children in society," he said.

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Why Radicalism Culture is Spreading in Indonesia - Netralnews

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