Russ Boehm: This year, it’s tough being a Boulder County Democrat – Longmont Times-Call

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:58 am

It must be tough being a Democrat in Boulder County this year. Friends and acquaintances I've known for years show signs of stress in most conversations expecting I guess that sooner or later the "T" name will be dropped, triggering their launch into attack mode.

The Democratic Party and congressional representatives certainly don't help much. Every move made by the new POTUS is labeled unconstitutional; the White House office's occupancy is declared to be illegitimate; the smallest decision is based on a nefarious plot on the planet and all its correct thinking inhabitants; and every cabinet candidate is not only bad but in fact is the worst deplorable, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you just name it. Yep, Republithugs are unredeemable.

Going back to a more reasonable time when President Obama was first elected, he had 11 of his 15 Cabinet secretaries in place after his first week. Trump had two. Five of the past six presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama had nearly their entire Cabinet installed by their second week in the White House. President George H.W. Bush faced delays, but he had the advantage of retaining three of Reagan's Cabinet secretaries. So, Sen. Schumer, let's get on with it. I mean thanks to Sen. Harry Reed (D) inventing the nuclear option, Republicans really don't need Democrats to approve appointments any more. If it's good for the goose ...

Another thing, I think President Obama had a clear message when dealing with Republicans griping and hassling him about carrying out his agenda. First it was the stimulus package in 2009. Then it was the debt ceiling in 2013. His message: Elections matter. I won; you lost. Deal with it.

OK, it's a paraphrase. Here's the full Obama quote:

"You don't like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don't break it. Don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That's not being faithful to what this country's about."

So Democrat friends, you're better than this. You had faith in President Obama; listen to his advice. President Trump won, your candidate lost. Get over yourselves. The people of the United States voted for change, not an echo of the past eight years of failed policies. If they were successful, Hillary would be in office. She's not and could not even muster a concession speech. That's called arrogance. It's not very attractive, and neither are those waiving signs with epithets regarding neighbors they disagree with.

Let's talk about and work on the issues we agree on.

We all agree that we want clean air and water; a reasonable amount of open space between cities; a good education of our choosing for our children; freedom to worship the God we choose; and the right to choose our life, have liberty from government oppression and regulation, and pursue our happiness with no intention of forcing the unwilling to participate.

Russ Boehm is a 49-year Longmont resident and retired IBM engineer.

Read the original here:

Russ Boehm: This year, it's tough being a Boulder County Democrat - Longmont Times-Call

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