PSA to host motorcade calling on government to break relations with ‘Apartheid Israel’ – Jacaranda FM

Posted: May 16, 2021 at 1:11 pm

Coordinator for the PSA, Shereens Saloojee says Saturday marks 73 years of Palestinian Occupation and Zionist Settler Colonialism.

These seven decades have been characterised by oppression, aggression, racism, and a genocidal siege on the indigenous people of Palestine, says Saloojee.

To mark our solidarity with the people of Palestine and noting the ongoing massacre of innocent civilians especially in Gaza, we call on all freedom-loving people who value humanity to join us in our call to government to break all relations with apartheid Israel.

The motorcade is set to leave from Rose Park in Lenasia at 13:00 and from Orange Road outside Marks Park in Emmarentia at 14:00.

It will then proceed to Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown where it will conclude with a rally, adds Saloojee.

ALSO READ:Political solution needed to end Israel-Palestine conflict, says expert

The Department of International Relations and Corporation (Dirco) has condemned the attacks on Palestine civilians.

South Africa therefore strongly condemns the unjust attacks by Israel on Palestinian civilians and calls on Israel to immediately stop all its hostilities and comply with international law.

"The continued escalation of attacks by Israel on Palestinians in Gaza is totally unjust and shameful, particularly the targeting of the most vulnerable section of the Palestinian community, children, women and the elderly," says spokesperson Clayson Monyela.

"South Africa calls on all countries in the Middle East to respond positively to the Arab Leagues foreign ministers' plan to immediately convene an emergency meeting aimed at mediation."

Excerpt from:

PSA to host motorcade calling on government to break relations with 'Apartheid Israel' - Jacaranda FM

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