Opinion: While true oppression exists, hypocrisy of some women is clear – Shelby Township Source Newspapers

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 4:03 pm

In what could be coined a tale of two countries, recent demonstrations in Washington, D.C., reflected very disparate versions of what some Americans value.

The Jan. 27 March for Life was a peaceful gathering of hundreds of thousands of people, including huge numbers of young people, to renounce Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal nationwide.

The March for Life was and is a joyful embrace of life and a way of voicing our rights not to pay for abortion or other anti-life measures with our tax dollars or through mandated health care plans. Its about exposing the dangers of abortion euphemistically called womens health care when, in fact, more than 120 independent studies show the link between abortion and increased breast cancer risks. (It took only seven studies linking tobacco use to cancer for the federal government to mandate a warning on all tobacco products).

Because overturning Roe v. Wade doesnt outlaw abortion it only returns abortion laws to the states the March for Life is not so much about taking away a womans rights as it is about helping women in despair to pursue less harmful options.

Above all, the March for Life is about standing up for the voiceless and restoring America to a nation that doesnt kill its unborn and frail, but rather affirms the dignity and value of all human lives, from conception to natural death.

In stark contrast, the recent Womens March, which took place to protest President Donald Trump, exposed a foul-mouthed, furious display of leftist ideology, and in particular, a rabid obsession with a womans right to prevent and/or terminate pregnancy at taxpayer expense.

As one protester put it, Were here because Donald Trump doesnt reflect our countrys values. But which values do they mean? Do they reject Trumps values of tighter national security, increased jobs, lower taxes, and better access to more affordable health care? Do they dismiss our presidents call for unity, an end to prejudice, the upholding of law, limited government, and the elimination of terrorism? Do they spurn free speech, self-defense, and freedom of religion? Or do they just object to the fact that the lefts previously uninhibited march toward a less free, one-world socialist government was essentially stopped in its tracks by Trumps victory?

Regardless, from the unmentionable body-part-shaped balloons and threats to blow up the White House, to the degrading use of f-bombs and one hysterical, screaming celebrity meltdown over womens personal biology, I didnt just see hateful behavior in the way these women expressed themselves; I saw self-hatred.

Instead of encouraging women to embrace their dignity, know their value, and celebrate the God-given miracle of their bodies ability to bring forth life, the most vocal protesters depicted themselves as angry, poorly mannered ruffians infatuated with the entitlement to sexual relations without personal responsibility. But doesnt this just reduce women to the sex-object status that feminists of the Sexual Revolution originally claimed to despise?

If these women so adamantly want government to stay out of our bedrooms, why do they then demand government to financially support what goes on in those bedrooms via taxpayer-funded contraception and abortion? Are they so spoiled by Americas benevolence that theyre blinded to their own hypocrisy? If they want a real cause, how about when they scream for government to keep its hands off our bodies, they point the finger at certain foreign governments that actually force women to undergo abortion?

While some of these angry Womens March protesters berated Americas treatment of women (ostensibly all due to Americas election of Donald Trump), I wonder if it ever occurred to them that in some countries, like Sharia-compliant ones, theyd never even be able to voice their complaints so freely. Certainly theyd never be allowed in public without the presence of, or at least the permission of, a man.

Where is their outrage about this, or about young girls getting shot for simply trying to go to school in some countries? Why dont they scream in protest over the genital mutilation of baby girls in Sharia-law countries? Why dont these cushioned American women demand their fellow females rights in certain countries to drive a car, travel freely, or obtain higher education without the need for male consent? I can see why the Womens March co-chair, Linda Sarsour, an outspoken advocate of Sharia Law, would remain silent. But what about the rest?

Its embarrassing to see free American women going ballistic over perceived oppression when real oppression exists. And while anti-Trump protesters repeat their mantra that Love Trumps Hate, all I can say is, if vulgarity, death threats, and worship at the altar of abortion are signs of love, I shudder to think of what their version of actual hate would look like.

(Julie Szydlowski is a resident of Shelby Township and has a blog, The Right Track, on the Source website.)

See the article here:

Opinion: While true oppression exists, hypocrisy of some women is clear - Shelby Township Source Newspapers

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