Letter: It’s that time of the year again – INFORUM

Posted: December 13, 2019 at 3:06 pm

As I was wandering through the West Acres mall recently, I was reminded of the old expression: It's that time of year again. The time to overspend on Christmas presents, the time to overindulge on food and drink during our holiday gatherings, and also the time to enjoy catching up with old friends and distant relatives. Yes, it is a time of holiday cheer. Now, what could possibly dampen this feeling of joy and happiness that we experience during this time of year?

I could say the Bison losing in the FCS playoffs or minus 50 wind chill, but we can handle that. No, what really puts a sour taste in my eggnog these days is another issue we are dealing with. It is the time of year for presidential campaigns and the ongoing soap opera now taking place in Washington. You can't even watch the news, anymore, without being inundated with all this impeachment garbage. Some have argued that Donald Trump is primarily responsible for all the division going on right now in our country, but those who want to blame Trump are missing the big picture.

Politics is sometimes called the battle of ideas, and we should expect some disagreements along the way among honest people with good intentions. However, what's missing these days is common ground. There is a new civil war brewing in this country and the American people will be asked to choose in future elections between two philosophies.


Do you think, as our Founding Fathers did, that rightsincluding your own property earned by your own laborcome from the inherent value of individual persons(not government) and must be protected from government? Or, do you reject that foundational American idea and instead think rights can be manufactured (and removed) by government for whatever it deems to be the greater good? No less than the American ideal is at stake.

But, some will say, it's that time of year. Can't we just stop all this arguing and fighting over Trump and have a little peace during this holiday season? Yes, of course. I would like to live in a country that allows everyone the freedom to worship their particular religious faith without fear of government oppression. Oh, wait! We already do. Freedom of religion is listed in the Bill of Rights, which is part of the Constitution of the United States. The left in the Democrat party, however, seem intent on destroying the inherent principles found within the Constitution, all while paying lip service to it.

Now, for Christians, this time of the year is referred to as the season of Advent. The word advent means "arrival." Christians understand that the only true peace on earth is achieved through the forgiveness of sins, hence the need for a Savior. That is why, during this holiday season, we have come to worship that Holy Child of God, who was born in Bethlehem, and anxiously await his second coming. With one voice, we all declare: Maranatha.

Come Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Come soon!

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Letter: It's that time of the year again - INFORUM

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