Donegal Travellers Project welcomes government recognition of Traveller ethnicity – Donegal Now

Posted: March 1, 2017 at 9:43 pm

The government's decision thatIrish Travellers are to be recognised as an official ethnic group in Ireland, has been warmly welcomed in Donegal.

The announcement has been greeted with joy by theDonegal Travellers Project (DTP), who see it as a productive response to the strong criticism that Ireland has received from national and international human rights organisations for failing to adequately address anti-Traveller discrimination.

The recognition of Traveller ethnicity is also expected to shift the focus of government policy regarding Travellers fully away from assimilation and towards respect for their culturally different but equal status as Irish citizens.

This is a historic and emotional day for the Traveller community and for Traveller organisations who have been campaigning for nearly 30 years to have our people recognised as an ethnic group, said Hugh Friel, DTP Mens Health and Development Worker, who attended the announcement in the Dil with DTPs Katie Boyle and Martin Mongan.

We know we are an ethnic group. Now the state has finally recognised our culture, our history, and the oppression we have experienced by its denial."

DTP Manager, Siobhn McLaughlin said: All of us in community development work to create the changes in society and government policy which promote the inclusion of the voices and experiences of marginalised communities.

Traveller organisations and the Traveller community have a sense of achievement, success, and jubilation today.

"The State has acknowledged the unique and undeniable status of being an ethnic group to the Traveller community. It may have been a long time coming, but it is still a day of great celebration.

DTP has actively participated in the long campaign for recognition of Traveller ethnicity alongside the ITM and other Traveller organisations, including Mincirs Whiden, the National Traveller Womens Forum, and the Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.

Donegal Senator Pdraig Mac Lochlainn also played a leading role, including through writing a 2014 report on behalf of a cross-party Oireachtas committee which concluded that Travellers should be recognised as a distinct ethnic group.

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Donegal Travellers Project welcomes government recognition of Traveller ethnicity - Donegal Now

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