Conspiracy Theorist: 3/21 – Dayton City Paper

Posted: March 21, 2017 at 12:28 pm

WikiLeaks uncovers the U.S. police state

By Mark Luedtke

All hail Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks. No scribe in history has dared expose the machinations of rulers to the extent Assange has. A hero in every respect, including his flaws, Assange sacrifices his freedom and risks his life to inform people of the evils of coercive government.

Assange could not accomplish this mission on his own. All members of WikiLeaks and the whistleblowers who feed them are heroes.

WWII was presented to the American people as a conflict between an open society and a closed one. Rulers contrasted how Americans enjoyed the free exchange of ideas without surveillance or consequence while fascist countries were ruled by secret police that monitored everything. The communists employed the same tactic during the Cold War.

The book They Thought They Were Free documents how Germans believed they were free until the Nazis made it clear they werent. They had surrendered their freedom before the Nazis took power, and then the Gestapo ruled them. The KGB ruled the Soviet Union.

We recently learned Americans are ruled by our own secret police: the NSA, FBI, and, as WikiLeaks spectacularly documented, the CIA. Americans who believe they are free are as mistaken as the Germans before them.

Of course, Americans have never been allowed the free exchange of ideas without surveillance or consequence. George Washington read every piece of mail he could confiscate during the Revolutionary War and the revolts during his presidency. John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were forced to write essays protesting oppression under pseudonyms. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and imprisoned newspaper writers who criticized him and his war against Southern states. Roosevelt imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent. War is the impetus for oppression.

However, despite the governments efforts, Americans largely succeeded in keeping society open. Thats why the best and brightest people in the world moved to America, especially during the rise of fascism between the world wars. The openness of American society was one of the major factors in winning WWII and the Cold War.

But not any more. The WikiLeaks expos proves beyond a shadow of a doubt all Americans are now monitored and controlled by secret police.

The first important takeaway from this WikiLeaks dump is U.S. government agents will go to any extreme to hack anybody they want. The law does not limit them. They are not limited by conscience. They follow their worst instincts without consequence. Promoting changes to the law to limit U.S. spies is useless, because they dont obey the law.

Second, government agents intentionally make the internet less secure. Rhetoric about wanting to secure the internet is a joke. Rulers spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually making it less secure so we are more vulnerable to internet predators.

Exile Edward Snowden tweeted, If youre writing about the CIA/WikiLeaks story, heres the big deal: first public evidence USG secretly paying to keep U.S. software unsafe.

Snowden continues, The CIA reports show the USG developing vulnerabilities in US products, then intentionally keeping the holes open. Reckless beyond words.

Surrendering power to the U.S. government, ostensibly to secure the internet, is setting the fox to guard the henhouse.

WikiLeaks CIA document dump also shows how U.S. spies regularly create fake intelligence and masquerade as rival intelligence services, so the next time you hear Russian or Chinese hackers hacked something, you cant trust it. Fake intelligence from the U.S. government, especially the CIA, is the primary source of the fake news that permeates the mainstream media.

Its ironic that despite all its tools for creating fake intelligence, the CIA produced zero evidence Russia hacked the recent presidential election. Its outrageous that America, once the haven for the best and brightest people in the world, now has a government that drives productive Americans to expatriate in record numbers.

I fear for Julian Assange. WikiLeaks has been so successful that Sean Hannity, who never saw a war or spy program he didnt like, is suddenly talking about the danger of the deep state. The last person to so publicly wound the CIA was President Kennedy, and he was assassinated for it.

Assange is already trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, but the Ecuadorians cant protect him from the CIA. I fear hell either be extradited or assassinated by years end. Hopefully, WikiLeaks will continue doing the job American establishment reporters wont do if the worst happens to Assange.

The views and opinions expressed in Conspiracy Theorist are the views and/or opinions of the author and do not reflect the views and/or opinions of the Dayton City Paper or Dayton City Media and are published strictly for entertainment purposes.

Tags: conspiracy theorist, headline, surveillance, U.S. police state, WikiLeaks

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Conspiracy Theorist: 3/21 - Dayton City Paper

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