Letters to the Editor: July 14, 2021 – TCPalm

Posted: July 16, 2021 at 1:17 pm

Treasure Coast Newspapers

I am very disappointed in Indian River State Colleges President Timothy Moore and the college'sboard of directors. We should all be doing our part to help improve our waterways not only for its economic and tourist value, but for our own health as well as that of the wildlife. All our nonprofits should be working to support each other for the benefit of our community.

By now we should all know how important to us is the work that the Ocean Research and Conservation Association and the Smithsonian are doing, especially right now when climate change is increasing the number of days with temperatures 90 degrees and high. This increases the chances of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) blooms that can create microcystins, which can go airborne for miles, poisoning us. It is also killing our sea grasses, which has starved many manatees.

This is the wrong time to stop ORCAs important work by pushing them out of their building. Both the IRSC and ORCA are funded by our state. IRSC should not be profiting from a building that, without all of our help, may be underwater in a few years. We all need to ask the IRSC board to reverse their decision. A reversal will benefit all the Treasure Coast and not just the school.

Diane Goldberg, Port St. Lucie, is the conservation chair for St Lucie Audubon.

Growing up my parents instilled in me many characteristics and beliefs that helped me throughout life. They taught me to live by the Golden Rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The belief there is no substitute for honesty and integrity. They taught me I was born with pure integrity and no one can take it away, only I could give it up. They taught me to help others who ask for my help because someday I would need help. They taught me to be successful in life I needed friends, and to have friends I must first be a friend. If your neighbors house is on fire you naturally would go help them.

Guided by these beliefs I don't understand the writers who disparage Gov. Ron. DeSantis because he responded to another states request for help by sending just 50 officers to Texas. In May of 2020 our southern Border Patrol detained 23,237 illegal immigrants and one year later in May 2021 the number jumped to 180,034, an increase of almost 700%. Considering they estimate they only detain a third of the illegal entrants, the truer number is over 500,000 a month, or over 6 million a year.

To me this classifies as a crisis. If this were happening in Florida how would you feel? To think all these people and all the extra drugs flooding through are staying in Texas is foolish. The drugs are shipped all over this country into every state. It is common sense and cheaper on all states to try to stem the tide where the tide is coming through. We are a nation of 50 states, all states are our neighbors and we need to step up and help when we can.

Jeff Morton, Sebastian

DeSantis doesnt even know what Florida officers would do in Texas

Regarding the latest fiasco created by our governor our taxpayer-paid law enforcement officers being sent to the Texas/Mexico border in order to do … what? They don't even know, but hey, that order makes great sound bites for Fox, OANN, Newsmax and to the GOP base.

Wouldn't their presence be better utilized by sending those same officers to Surfside in order to help with the ongoing search for the remains of Florida citizens? So many have lost their loved ones to this disaster and are very anxious to be able to, respectfully, lay their remains to a final rest. Yet again, our governor places his political aspirations above those of the citizens that he supposedly represents. What a world in which we now live.

Sharon Garland, Hobe Sound

Lately, we have all heard about questions surrounding the voting process and results. The following points should, in my opinion, be considered in the revisions to the voting laws that are being made in various states.

Before the election, the board of election should hire an independent certified public accountant to evaluate the procedures and procedures for reporting the results. Any needed improvements that were identified could be made before the election.

The CPA would then be in a position to jointly certify the election results with the board of elections on election night and for the final count.

The above is just a thumbnail sketch of what needs to be done, as there are other needed procedures that would likely be identified through the implementation process.

Doug Kinney, Sebastian

See the rest here:

Letters to the Editor: July 14, 2021 - TCPalm

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