Letter: If all could only follow the Golden Rule – Olean Times Herald

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:52 pm

Kudos to AP National Writer Matt Sedensky for his article on Argument Etiquette (front page of the Olean Times Herald, March 12).

As he states, Most Americans are alarmed and disheartened by the coarsened culture and incivility in politics. I am heartened to read that there are movements on college campuses, in state houses and in schools to show people how to show respect in the face of disagreement. Certainly, in light of the last year or two in our political world, we can all agree that a change in civility is greatly needed.

I would suggest that it all boils down to the Golden Rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Matthew 7:12).

Perhaps if every politician, from President Trump all the way through Congress, and all other legislative authorities, federal, state and local, had a Golden Rule placard on their desks reminding them to do so (and followed the advice), we would all live in a happier world.

And thank you for giving Sedenskys article such prominence on the front page of your newspaper.

David H. Crowley, Cuba

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Letter: If all could only follow the Golden Rule - Olean Times Herald

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