Heres how to make space for the new stuff this holiday –

Posted: December 28, 2019 at 4:45 am

(Pixabay Photo)

We are a society built on stuff.Many of us are lured by the call of the wild SALE! SALE! SALE! Some of us are fashionistas and must have the latest trends. Others are techno junkies and need the latest and greatest gadgets.Some of us simply cant remember where we put things. So, we bring more stuff into our homes stuffing our closets and drawers.

Decluttering and staying organized is similar to losing weight and keeping the weight off,saiddeclutter coach and professional organizer,Rachel Winter,founder andowner,Happy Home Organizers, LLC.Its all about healthy habits and lifestyle. You can put in all of the hard work with exercising and eating well, but if you dont maintain your efforts after you have reached your goal weight, the pounds will slowly begin to creep back, and youll be back where you started.

(Shutterstock Photo)

The One In, One Out Rule will help keep your home organized. Its one of the Golden Rules professional organizers live by. Every time a new item comes into your home, a similar item must leave. For example, for every new shirt that comes in, an old one comes out. New purse? Bag an old one. New pair of shoes? Give a pair their walking papers.

Organizing is one giant puzzle. Each item is a puzzle piece, Winter said. The one in, one out rule is basically stuff equilibrium.

Winter organized the home of Leza, whose story and Tucson house were profiled on an episode of A&Es Hoarders, Season 9, episode 3. She teachers her clients to live by 3 Golden Rules in staying organized:

Rule 1. Home for Every ItemRule 2. Like with LikeRule 3. One In, One Out

My organizing-ism is your stuff has to fit your space, she said. Its okay to bring in something new. But where is it going to live? If you are already tripping over things, where is the new stuff going fit?

Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase a place for everything and everything in its place. That is the goal, the mantra of professional organizers. That is why people hire them to create a system of order.

When looking at your stuff, ask yourself, do you use it, wear it, love it? If not, why are you keeping it? It can be a struggle to get rid of things, especially if they hold sentimental value.

Among the items Winter tends to see a lot of that generally do not have sentimental value is batteries scattered throughout her clients homes. This is an impulse buy. One of those things people forget they have . . . because they dont know where they are.

One of her clients had 34 nail clippers!

(Shutterstock Photo)

Clothes, Shoes and Accessories We all need new clothes and shoes every now and then. With most garments, if you havent worn it in a year, donate it.

Makeup and Toiletries Use them up and throw away expired make up and perfume/cologne that has turned. As for the free make-up bags, use them to store. . . batteries.

Magazines & Books Read and recycle. Better yet, subscribe to the digital versions.

CDs & Videos Do you even have a VCR anymore? A lot of folks have ditched their DVD and CD players for streaming. Clean out the entertainment center and take the videos and CDs to a resale shop. At least you can get a few bucks for them.

Linens January White Sale! Skip it. If you have plenty of good linens and towels, donate the worn-out ones to an animal shelter.

Candles Unless you live off the grid, are a dozen partially used candles necessary? Melt and consolidate them. Take the wick out when the wax is melted down to liquid. Add it to another jar if its not completely burned to the end. Clean and recycle the empty jars.

Food & Spices Bulk buying can be tempting. Be creative with recipes and use what you have.

Drinkware Have a mug from every city you visit? More tumblers from sporting events than there are athletes? Stop traveling and going out (just kidding). Donate.

Dishes Unless these have sentimental value, such as your grandmothers china set or you entertain a lot for very large groups of people, you probably dont need three, four or five sets of dinnerware.

Cookware Invest in pull-out shelves so you can easily see what you have.

Tools & Extra Materials Keep your garage and workshop organized so you dont have to run to the hardware store for another special hammer, drill bit or screws because you cant find what you already have. Donate tools, extra lumber, or other materials to high schools that have a construction Continuing Education Program (CTE). You may even get a tax donation letter. Call 1-800-352-4558 to find a school in your area.

(Shutterstock Photo)

When you ignore the rule, it just becomes one thing in, one thing in and it becomes overwhelming. The bottom line, according to Winter, is that you can keep whatever you want as long as it fits in the house and it has a devoted home.

Abide by the rule. Keep clutter under control and stop wasting your money on say, nail clippers and batteries.

Call Happy Home Organizers, mention Rosie and get $50 off a minimum of five hours of home organization.

Join Rosie on the House every Saturday morning from 7 to 11 a.m. on KTAR News 92.3 FM. If youd like to send us questions or comments, Follow us onTwitterand like us onFacebook.

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Heres how to make space for the new stuff this holiday -

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