Email and The Golden Rule – Memphis Daily News – Memphis Daily News

Posted: March 1, 2017 at 9:38 pm

VOL. 132 | NO. 43 | Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Career Corner

Angela Copeland

Have you ever gotten an email you just want to ignore? Perhaps its from a vendor you work with that wants to tell you about a new product theyre selling. The email provides no immediate value for you. Theres nothing you can do about it right now, and frankly, youre busy. Youre so far up to your eyeballs in reports that you can barely breathe.

Weve all been there. The easiest thing to do is often to ignore the email.

Now, think back to how you landed your last job, or maybe the one before. Chances are good that you found it not by applying online but through a professional contact. Theres a good chance that you previously worked with that person directly or indirectly.

Its extremely common to be recruited by an outside company you do business with either your customer or your supplier. After working with you, a company has a chance to see you up close. They know just how professional you are and how devoted you are to your craft.

But this will only happen if you treat those around you with a certain level of respect. Taking a moment to let someone know youve received their email can mean the world, even if youre not able to fulfill their request.

Im not suggesting that you say yes to everyone. And, Im certainly not suggesting you respond to things that are clearly spam. But do take the time to value those around you even on the days when theyre asking for something rather than offering something.

For example, if someone is asking for a meeting that you would normally be open to but are just too busy to take, send an email letting them know youve received their message and would like to meet but are swamped for the next few weeks. Most everyone understands the concept of being busy at work. Or if a person is asking for your help with something that you really cant do right now due to existing commitments, be honest and up front.

The most difficult scenario is when you dont respond at all. When you ignore an email, it doesnt just tell the person that youre busy. It tells them that theyre not important. It says that youll only respond if youre getting something out of the deal. And it says that you may not be as professional as they thought.

When youve been with one company for a number of years, this can begin to seem normal. You want to be efficient and use your time in the best way. But, sometimes something unexpected can happen. Your company may lay off an entire division. If youve focused all of your attention on internal folks while not nurturing outside relationships, you may struggle more to find something new.

It goes back to the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Angela Copeland, CEO and founder of Copeland Coaching, can be reached at

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Email and The Golden Rule - Memphis Daily News - Memphis Daily News

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