Sweden preparing nuclear fallout bunkers across the country amid fear of Russian war – The Sun

Posted: March 21, 2017 at 12:29 pm

War preparations come as Nordic country reintroduces military conscription

NUCLEAR war shelters are being readied in Sweden to prepare for a surprise Russian attack, according to reports.

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) has reportedly been ordered to carry out a review this year of bunkers the coming weeks as the Scandinavian country also reintroduces military service.


A system of 65,000 bunkers was established in the Cold War to protect the population from nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

According to MSB, the bunkers currently protect against blast and radiation as well as chemical or germ warfare.

With a distinctive logo, they can easily belocated by civilians seeking shelter.

But with fears growing over threat posed by Vladimir Putin and his resurgent Russia they are being reviewedto make sure they are ready.

Russian military drills in the region have raised fears among neighbouring nations that an attack could happen in the coming months.

Civil defence measures are therefore being stepped up, especially in the Island of Gotland where Sweden has already re-opened a garrison.

Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio reported that Mats Berglund had ordered a review of the islands 350 civilian bunkers.

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About a third of the 13,000Swedish youngsters born in 1999 will be subject to military conscription next January.

It also comes as Japan prepares for a North Korean missile attack.

The country has begun staging mass evacuation drills after Kim Jong-un test fired missiles and conducted rocket engine tests on intercontinental missiles.

The first exercise of its kind saw civilians young and old scrambling for cover as air-raid sirens wailed away.

Meanwhile in Texas more than 1,000 people fearing an impending apocalypse are signed up to a waiting list for an extraordinary subterranean doomsday village.

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Sweden preparing nuclear fallout bunkers across the country amid fear of Russian war - The Sun

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