Letter: Protect the public health officials who protect us – Republican Eagle

Posted: April 7, 2017 at 9:28 pm

Every day innocent people are randomly exposed to germ warfare being waged by the germs themselves. Bacterial, viral and prion diseases are a clear and present danger to at-risk populations. The universal benefits of herd immunity can break down when the vaccination rate in a group goes below 85 to 90 percent. That is happening in some places in Minnesota and at that point, contagious diseases can become epidemic.

Up until now, our county public health departments have been aggressively involved in the "prevention of" and "preparation for" an infectious outbreak. Their task has been compounded by the antibiotic resistance emerging in some of mankind's oldest threats. Resistant strains of tuberculosis and much anticipated measles, for example, are a sleepless nightmare for our public health professionals.

Recent proposals from Washington to cut funding for public health agencies and programs to help pay for defense spending may cost us our defense against the preventable germ warfare that causes pandemics.

The HIV/AIDS epidemic was the last full blown threat to our public health. Ebola was another. Syphilis, gonorrhea, and especially the swine flu and the bird flu can mutate if we let down our national guard: public health agencies and professionals.

By the way, SCHSAC stands for the "State Community Health Services Advisory Committee." It also stands for the health of all Minnesotans.

Paul Drotos, Red Wing

Paul Drotos is a Goodhue County commissioner

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Letter: Protect the public health officials who protect us - Republican Eagle

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