Vote down gambling – The Augusta Chronicle

Posted: February 13, 2017 at 9:50 am

I urge our local legislative delegation to please vote against any move to legalize casino gambling in Georgia.

This industry is notorious for attracting criminal elements. It brings organized crime closer to our homes. The Georgia General Assembly has taken some serious steps to reduce sex trafficking in Georgia during its last couple of sessions. Whatever progress those legislatures made, I believe the gambling industry will make the condition ripe for an increase in sex trafficking, which victimizes countless underaged boys and girls.

This also has detrimental effects on harmonious family units. We already have too many pressures that break up marriages. Gambling is an addictive habit, and a significant portion of the population gets addicted to gambling. They blow money in gambling that can lead to job losses, bankruptcies and broken marriages. Whatever tax revenue is generated from gambling enterprises cant justify the human tragedy that will result from gambling addiction and Georgians who will become crime statistics from the increased crime rate.

I strongly implore our legislators to vote against casino gambling in Georgia.

YeSun Wiltse


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Vote down gambling - The Augusta Chronicle

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