Newington forum on gambling addiction today – Bristol Press

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 11:47 pm

The compulsion of betting, wagering, winning and losing will be the focus of an upcoming public forum hosted by the Newington Kiwanis Club.

On Monday, Feb. 27, the club will present two members of Gamblers Anonymous at its monthly speaker meeting at Paradise Restaurant, 10 East St., New Britain.

This event is a must see for family members and friends of susceptible persons as well as for those who find themselves enchanted by the possibilityof the big win, Kiwanis Program Chairman Al Cohen said. With the advent of so many well-publicized gambling facilities, the temptations of the big win may ensnare ordinary persons from all levels of life.

Cohen has invited two Tonys to tell their tales that evening both recovering gambling addicts. Tony M. is driving down from his home in Massachusetts, to reach people who might be considering putting an end to their games.

Our numbers have dwindled through the years; less people seem to be seeking help, Tony M. said Tuesday. We believe there arent necessarily less people out there that have the addiction, just less people seeking help. Thats why this is a great opportunity to have the voice of Gamblers Anonymous be heard.

A recovering alcoholic might count the days since their last drink; Tony placed his last bet on Dec. 5, 2004.

Ive been clean over 12 years. My relationships with my children, my wife and family members have gotten better. My life in general has gotten better.

The struggle of a gambling addict follows the same vein as that of a drug or alcohol addict. Gambling, however, is not as easily recognizable as the latter types of addictions.

It will make a good person do some things they wouldnt normally do, Tony M. explained. Steal and lie to people they love. But its more of a hidden disease. If a person is drunk or on drugs you can usually tell, but if a person is a compulsive gambler you cant read that just by looking at them.

He met the other Tony, who lives in southern Connecticut, at a GA meeting nearby. The pair will both share their stories and answer questions from the audience at the upcoming event.

Theres no cure for this, you dont graduate or anything like that, Tony M. said. Its something you have to work on pretty much the rest of your life.

Radio and television host Steve Parker will conduct the program, which begins at 7 p.m. Those who wish to dine are encouraged to arrive earlier. Admission is free and walk-ins are welcome. The Newington Kiwanis free public forum nights began in 1986 and reoccur on the last Monday of each month except May and December.

The American Psychiatric Association defines pathological gambling as a medical disorder directly impacting over two million people in the U.S. Warning signs include an obsession with having to get the mail, missing work, strange phone calls, disappearing for long periods of time, lying, missing money, calls from bill collectors and irritability.

For immediate help with a gambling addiction, call the Gamblers Anonymous hotline at 855-222-5542.

Erica Schmitt can be reached at 860-801-5097, or

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Newington forum on gambling addiction today - Bristol Press

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