Keep up fight over underage gambling – The Daily Gazette

Posted: June 5, 2017 at 7:58 am

I currently work at the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Council of Saratoga County, as the youth outreach coordinator, partnering with the New York Council on Problem Gambling on the YOU(th) Decide Project.

I am writing to express excitement and gratitude that over 90 resolutions were signed in support of the YOU(th) Decide mission, and 21 policies were signed that affected over 7,000 youth across New York state.

The Mission of YOU(th) Decide is to empower youth to make educated decisions regarding their gambling behaviors, and prepare communities to work together to prevent underage gambling.

Did you know that among United States youth between the ages of 14 and 21, 68 percent have gambled in the past year, and 11 percent have gambled twice a week or more? Of those youth, 6.5 percent are at risk for, or have already developed, a gambling problem.

Underage gambling brings with it a number of negative consequences, including, but not limited to:

Increased likelihood of developing a gambling addiction;

Increased risk of delinquency and crime;

Damaged relationships and poor academic performance;

Mental health issues including depression and substance abuse disorders;

Overall poor general health;

And attempted and completed suicide.

There is not just one person, nor one group of people, who are affected by underage gambling. There is not just one factor in someones life that alone leads to underage gambling. There is also not just one strategy that will along prevent underage gambling.

Kara James

Saratoga Springs

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Keep up fight over underage gambling - The Daily Gazette

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