Gambling addict jailed after stealing $330,000 from golf club – The Age – The Age

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 6:46 am

A golf club couldn't afford to maintain its greens and began to lose members after a would-be accountant stole more than $330,000 in bar takings and membershipfees.

Aspendale's Rossdale Golf Club was forced to sell part of its land to stay afloat after Sharon Breyiannis stole the money to feed her gambling addiction.

Breyiannis was on Tuesday jailed for three years and four months after admitting to the theft.

It was Breyiannis' job to deposit membership fees and takings from the bar and pro shop into the club's account, but she instead either kept the cash and manipulated an accounting system or diverted money into her own account to fund her pokies addiction.

County Court judge Graeme Hicks said the thefts had a "snowball" effect on the golf club.The condition of the course deteriorated because the club could not afford to maintain it, which in turn drove members away, the court heard.

The thefts also caused great stress for those who ran the club, given the financial problems and declining membership.

Judge Hicks delayed sentencing on Tuesday after he was told Breyiannis had failed to begin paying back the $331,855 she stole by agreeing to relinquish her share of the mortgage of her family home.

After an adjournment, the court heard she would no longer resist an application by prosecutors to claim back the money. Judge Hicks ordered the club be repaid the money, although it was unclear when this would happen.

Breyiannis quit her job in 2011, when the club's auditors discovered financial irregularities, was arrested at the start of 2014 and finally pleaded guilty to three representative charges of theft.

Judge Hicks said the mother of two adult sons began working at Rossdale in 2002 as a receptionist but was promoted to lookafter finances when other staff left, but often felt overwhelmed and stressed in her role. She gambledheavily to cope, the court heard.

Judge Hicks said Breyiannis' offending was serious given it was hard to detect and often committed by people in positions of responsibility. Deterring others from similar offending was important, he said.

But he acknowledged Breyiannis' guilty pleas, remorse and excellent prospects for rehabilitation.

She must spend two years in jail before she is eligible for parole.

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Gambling addict jailed after stealing $330,000 from golf club - The Age - The Age

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