Duterte orders war on illegal gambling – Philippine Star

Posted: February 10, 2017 at 3:50 am

MANILA, Philippines Following the war against illegal drugs, President Rodrigo Duterte has ordered law enforcement and government agencies to curb illegal gambling.

The president issued Executive Order (EO) 13 which directs the Philippine National Police, the National Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies to intensify the fight against illegal gambling.

Concerned agencies such as the Department of Justice, the Department of the Interior and Local Government and the Department of Information and Communications Technology were also ordered to coordinate with law enforcement agencies.

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"The same law enforcement agencies are further directed to coordinate and promptly act on requests of gambling regulatory authorities to investigate and put a stop to illegal gambling activities in their respective jurisdictions," the order read.

The president noted that the confusion in the jurisdiction and scope of authority of gambling regulators contributes to the proliferation of illegal gambling and gaming.

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The EO defined illegal gambling as a manner of directly or indirectly taking part in a game scheme wherein wagers consisting of money or articles of value at stake which is not authorized or licensed by the government.

The EO also clarified that online gambling operators are prohibited from allowing persons physically located outside the country to place bets or participate in games through an online portal.

The Office of the President will exercise oversight in the implementation of the intensified fight against illegal gambling.

"Whereas, the State condemns the existence of illegal gambling activities as a widespread social menace and source of corruption, as it has become an influential factor in an individual's disregard for the value of dignified work, perseverance and thrift," the order read.

The president signed EO 13 on February 2 through Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea.

RELATED: Duterte orders closure of all online gaming firms

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Duterte orders war on illegal gambling - Philippine Star

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